Principles of the existing EU contract law (the acquis principles [acqp]) — 2009: introductory commentary, academic and practical importance, translation into Russian


  • Vadim Anatolievich Belov M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University


This publication presents to Russian readers the Russian translation of another act of international private law unification — the Principles of the Existing EC Contract Law prepared by the Research Group on EC Private Law also known as the Acquis Group. Consequently, the document’s abbreviated name is the Acquis Principles or the ACQP. Even those readers who have never heard about this document have, undoubtedly, already dealt with another result of its developers’ activity, namely with the Draft Common Frame of Reference of Principles, Definitions and Model Rules of European Private Law (DCFR). The Acquis Group (along with the Study Group on a European Civil code) is one of the developers of the DCFR. In this publication, the readers’ attention is directed at the Russian translation of the second edition of the Acquis Principles published in 2009.


EU law, contract law, acts of the international unification of private law (“soft law” acts), the Acquis Principles


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Author Biography

Vadim Anatolievich Belov , M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University

doctor of legal sciences, professor of the Department of Commercial Law, Faculty of Law


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Printsipy Trans-Prava (novaia redaktsiia Printsipov SENTRAL) [Principles of the Trans-Law (New Edition of the CENTRAL Principles)]. Preface, transl. of engl. and komment. V. A. Belov. Kommercheskoe pravo, 2014, no. 2, pp. 45–134. (In Russian)

Printsipy, opredeleniia, model’nye pravila evropeiskogo chastnogo prava [Principles, Definitions, Model Rules of European Private Law]. Transl. of engl.; eds B. I. Puginskii, A. T. Amirov. Kommercheskoe pravo, 2012, no. 2, pp. 109–187; 2013, no. 1, pp. 154–225. (In Russian)

Svod printsipov, pravil i trebovanii lex mercatoria SENTRAL [Principles, Rules and Requirements lex mercatoria CENTRAL]. Transl. of engl.; eds B.I.Puginskii, A.T.Amirov. Kommercheskoe pravo, 2008, no. 2, pp.181–214. (In Russian)

Principles of the Existing EC Contract Law (Acquis Principles). Contract II. General Provisions, Delivery of Goods, Package Travel and Payment Services. Prepared by Research Group on the Existing EC Private Law (Acquis Group). Munich, 2009. 600 р.

Principles of the Existing EC Contract Law (Acquis Principles). Contract I. Precontractual Obligations, Conclusion of Contract, Unfair Terms. Prepared by the Research Group on the Existing EC Private Law (Acquis Group). Munich, 2007. 480 р.

Schulte-Nölke H. From the Acquis Communautaire to the Common Frame of Reference — the Contribution of the Acquis Group to the DCFR. Juridica International. 2008, XIV, pp. 27–31.



How to Cite

Belov , V. A. (2016). Principles of the existing EU contract law (the acquis principles [acqp]) — 2009: introductory commentary, academic and practical importance, translation into Russian. Pravovedenie, 60(2), 122–167. Retrieved from



Private law