Editorial Policy of the Journal
1. Pravovedenie accepts for publication original (previously unpublished) manuscripts that present results of the fundamental legal scientific research with no preference given to any branche of legal science.
Pravovedenie also welcomes interdisciplinary manuscripts if they touch upon the problems of jurisprudence.
2. Pravovedenie accepts:
— scientific articles — 5250–14000 English words;
— review of scientific events with the presentation of the substance of the presentations and discussions — 3500–21000 English words;
— reviews of scientific publications — 2750–7000 English words.
Larger materials may be accepted for publication at the discretion of the editorial board.
3. The authors may submit papers in Russian or English.
4. With regard to the order of publication the preference is given to the manuscripts that allow to represent in journal’s volume different branches of legal science and different scientific schools. At the same time no preference is given to manuscripts on Russian law.
5. Manuscripts are accepted for publication regardless of the degree and academic status of the author (s), manuscripts of students and postgraduates may be published if they meet the requirements of relevance and quality.
6. The manuscript may have maximum 5 co-authors.
7. When submitting material for publication, the author gives permission to edit the material, but the results of the editing (except for the correction of technical, spelling, punctuation or stylistic errors) must be agreed with the author.
8. Pravovedenie uses double blind peer-review. The editors seek to cooperate with the authors in the revision of the submitted materials; refusal to publish is sent when the scope of revision is comparable with the preparation of a new manuscript. In other cases, the editors organize the interaction of authors with reviewers on condition of anonymity, thus ensuring the revision of the submitted manuscripts in accordance with the requirements of relevance and quality.
9. Pravovedenie is committed to ensure the openness and availability of its materials within the framework agreed with the Publishing house of Saint Petersburg University.