About the Journal
Founded in 1957, “Pravovedenie” (until 2018 know as “Proceedings of Higher Educational Institutions. Pravovedenie”) is one of the oldest and most authoritative academic peer-reviewed legal journals in Russia.
Pravovedenie is published quarterly.
The Journal is included in the list of the leading refereed academic journals and periodicals recommended by the Higher Attestation Committee at the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, assigned for publication of the key results of doctoral dissertations (including the both Russian doctoral degrees: candidate of sciences and doctor of sciences in law).
Pravovedenie is indexed in on-line database eLIBRARY.ru.
ISSN: 2658-6037 (print version), 2658-3623 (on-line version)
History of the journal
1957–2017 — Izvestiâ vysših učebnyh zavedenij. Pravovedenie (ISSN 0131-8039)
2018 — current — Pravovedenie (ISSN 2658-6037; e-ISSN 2658-3623)
Saint Petersburg State University
St. Petersburg University Press
6th Line V.O., 11, Saint Petersburg, 199004, Russia
Director of the St. Petersburg University Press: Elena V. Lebedkina
Editorial office address
199034, St. Petersburg, Universitetskaya nab., 7-9