Editorial Ethics
1. Publication ethics of the Journal “Pravovedenie” include principles and rules obligatory for all participants of the academic publication process, including editors, reviewers and authors.
2. Publication ethics of the Journal “Pravovedenie” follow the guidelines designed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
3. Editor-in-chief and members of editorial board are expected to:
3.1. strive to meet interests of readers and authors, and contribute to free expression of opinion;
3.2. base decision to accept or reject the manuscript on the validity and academic importance of the manuscript;
3.3. consider research characteristics of the manuscript regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, ethnicity, nationality, social background or political preferences of the author;
3.4. refrain from use for personal purposes or forward to third parties without written consent of the author any previously unpublished data disclosed in the manuscript;
3.5. keep confidential and not to use for personal advantage any information or ideas obtained in the course of editing process;
3.6. refrain from publishing the information if there is reasonable ground to suspect that it was plagiarised;
3.7 respond to any appeal concerning submitted manuscripts or published articles and in case of conflict should take all necessary steps to defend violated rights;
3.8. refrain from giving preference to business needs over creativity.
4. Peer-reviewers are expected to:
4.1. regard the manuscript submitted for peer review as a confidential document, which cannot be transferred to third parties for review and discussion unless the permission therefor was obtained from the Journal;
4.2. follow principles of objectivity, constructiveness, neutrality and civility, and provide objective and sound evaluation of the manuscript, refraining from making personal comments about the author;
4.3. fulfil obligation to peer review the manuscript in good faith, in set time frame and only within his/her professional field of expertise;
4.4. use unpublished data from the manuscript only for peer review purposes;
4.5. inform editor of insufficient qualification to review the manuscript;
4.6. inform editor of inability to be impartial, e.g. in case of conflict of interests with authors.
5. Author(s) are expected to:
5.1. report valid research results, refraining from erroneous or falsified statements;
5.2. guarantee that the presented research result is original;
5.3. acknowledge and reference all borrowed fragments and statements with indication of its author and the source of information; citation manipulation as well as plagiarism of any kind, including hidden or disguised quotations, paraphrasing or usurpation of copyright is unethical and unacceptable;
5.4. acknowledge the contribution made by all those who influenced the research in any way; the academic works that affected the author’s research, should be cited in the manuscript;
5.5. refrain from submitting the manuscripts, which are currently under consideration for publication in any other journal or have already been published elsewhere;
5.6. list all major contributors to the research as authors;
5.7. refrain to list as authors those who did not contribute to the research;
5.8. to inform immediately editors of any discovered error or inaccuracy in any submitted or published work.