The civil law form of musharakah as an instrument for direct participation of the Islamic bank in capital: A retrospective analysis and modernity


  • Anna N. Kuznetsova ALRUD Law Firm
  • Inese Tenberga MergulLaw



Conventional banks, which operate under the conditions of interest capitalism, no longer dominate the financial sector. In the 21st century, Islamic banks, which provide services on an interest-free basis, have become their main competitors. In recent years, Islamic banking has grown rapidly even though 30–40 years ago it was only a regional phenomenon that could be found in countries with a predominantly Muslim population. The dispersal of capital by scaling a separate interest-free banking segment is now on the agenda of the Islamic world. It is stimulating the growing social demand for a fair distribution of resources within the community, as well as sustaining, at the same time, resilient economic development. However, the activity of Islamic banks remains a poorly studied and understood phenomenon within the circles of Russian legal science. In this article, the authors reveal the legal nature of the participation transaction involving shirkat al’-inan, while attempting to clarify the notion of using musharakah as a form of civil law, derived from shirkat al’-inan, within the Islamic banking system. 


musharakah, al-shirkah, participation transaction, investments, islamic banking, Islamic bank, shirkat al’-inan


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How to Cite

Kuznetsova, A. N., & Tenberga , I. (2020). The civil law form of musharakah as an instrument for direct participation of the Islamic bank in capital: A retrospective analysis and modernity. Pravovedenie, 64(3), 326–351.