Intellectual property in innovative activity of Russian university: issues of legal regulation and legal aspects of the management


  • Vladislav Vladimirovich Arkhipov St.Petersburg State University; International Law Firm “Dentons”.
  • Vladimir Viktorovich Lukjanov St.Petersburg State University
  • Viktor Borisovich Naumov St.Petersburg State University; Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration; International Law Firm “Dentons”


The article provides a general overview of legal problems related to regulation and management of intellectual property (IP) in innovative activity of Russian university. The relevance of the problem is explained by the reference to IP as an object of rights which exists, first of all, in the form of a legal construction. The authors provide a general overview of IP regulation in Russia including the aspects of IP management, focusing on that objects and ways of disposal which are relevant to academic and educational activity. The article contains a general analysis of special regulation of IP related to education and research, and an analysis of current local enactments set forth by universities in this area. The article discusses the problems of regulation of state-owned IP and a general approach to IP management is suggested. The authors conclude that the development of strategic approaches in the area of innovative activity of Russian university shall, inter alia, imply a balance of interests including both the necessities related to commercialization of the results of intellectual activity, and the priorities of free informational exchange which is vital for reaching the aims of education.


intellectual property, university, innovative activity, results of intellectual activity, state intellectual property, intellectual property management


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Author Biographies

Vladislav Vladimirovich Arkhipov , St.Petersburg State University; International Law Firm “Dentons”.

candidate of legal sciences, associate professor of the department of theory and history of state and law; the counsel of the Russian intellectual property, informational technologies and telecommunications practice

Vladimir Viktorovich Lukjanov , St.Petersburg State University

candidate of legal sciences, associate professor of the department of criminal law

Viktor Borisovich Naumov , St.Petersburg State University; Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration; International Law Firm “Dentons”

candidate of legal sciences, associate professor of the department of state and administrative law; leading research fellow of the Center for Economics of Continuing Education; head of the Russian intellectual property, informational technologies and telecommunications practice 


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How to Cite

Arkhipov , V. V., Lukjanov , V. V. ., & Naumov , V. B. (2016). Intellectual property in innovative activity of Russian university: issues of legal regulation and legal aspects of the management. Pravovedenie, 60(3), 196–212. Retrieved from


