Constructivist paradigm in law


  • Ilja Ljvovich Chestnov Saint-Petersburg Law Institute (branch) of the Academy of Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation


The article reveals the constructivist methodology of law. In epistemology constructivism dates back to the epistemology of Kant. Epistemological constructivism is developing today the principle of subsidiary. The principle of subsidiary states relativity of knowledge about the object; inexhaustible subject of the research; inclusion of the subject in the cognitive process. Constructivism as a paradigm of social sciences is characterized by anti-universality, contextual character of the social world, relativism of all social phenomena, refutation of naive realism, replacement of objectivism by intersubjectivity. Constructivism in law constitutes criticism of concepts of classical jurisprudence which make the legal reality objective. The constructivist paradigm designed to overcome dogmatism and isolation from the practical needs of the legal science. Constructivism is a new view on the legal reality. It involves the design of the legal system and its reproduction by a person. The system of law, in the constructivist point of view, is the activity of an agent aimed at creating and reproducing the legal norms. The system of law is a process which includes a combination of tradition and innovation, rather than an abstract, dogmatic prescription. A person, subject of law, forming and reproducing legal rules, rather than a legal norm, is the central element of the system of law.


methodology of law, constructing legal reality, system of law, subject of law


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Author Biography

Ilja Ljvovich Chestnov , Saint-Petersburg Law Institute (branch) of the Academy of Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation

doctor of legal sciences, professor of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law


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How to Cite

Chestnov , I. L. (2016). Constructivist paradigm in law. Pravovedenie, 60(2), 62–93. Retrieved from



Concept of law