State sovereignty in the conditions of digital transformation
The article attempts to reveal the key problems of implementing state sovereignty in the information space in the context of digital transformation. Based on a historical-legal and comparative-legal analysis, the periodization of the development of scientific concepts of the content of state information sovereignty in foreign scientific literature is substantiated, and two main approaches to the disclosure of the content of this category in Russian political and legal science — technocratic and jurisdictional — have been identified. It is demonstrated that state sovereignty in the information space represents the legal quality of the state as a special subject of information and legal relations, exercising their legal regulation both within its territory (domestic information space) and at the international level (global and regional information spaces). The implementation of state sovereignty in the information space through the information function of the state (as the activities of state bodies to regulate the information space) and the state information policy (as the content of this activity in a specific historical period). On the basis of the chronological analysis of the Russian information legislation, the main stages of expanding state regulation of the information space are highlighted, and its fragmentation is substantiated. The differences of digitalization are considered as the process of introducing digital technologies into traditional social relations, and digital transformation, as a qualitative change in their content. The influence of digital technologies for processing big data and artificial intelligence on the realization of state sovereignty in the conditions of digital transformation is characterized. It is substantiated that digitalization and digital transformation by themselves do not affect the essence of state sovereignty as a key feature (property) of the state, but they do form new spheres and methods of its implementation, provision and protection.
state sovereignty, information space, information technology, digitalization, digital transformation, digital technology
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