The Law on Prevention of Crimes: History, Present and Future


  • Vladimir N. Burlakov St. Petersburg State University
  • Vladimir I. Poludniakov St. Petersburg State University


Until recently the Russian Federation has had no independent legal framework for crime prevention. Legal norms designed for this purpose were scattered in various branches of legislation, often were fragmentary and sometimes were not brought into line with each other. Such legal norms were included in international legal instruments ratified by the Russian Federation, in the Russian Constitution, in the Law of the Russian Federation dated June 26, 1999 “On the Fundamentals of the System of Prevention of Minors’ Neglect and Juvenile Delinquency”, in some branches of legislation, in regulations of certain ministries and departments. There is a need to codify the legislation on prevention of crimes and offenses in the form of either a separate Code or a federal law. This law shall govern the overall system for crime and offenses prevention. The article considers the history of adoption of such special law in Russia. It started in the 19th century, that is, at times not the most suitable for implementation of ideas of crime prevention. In 1832 the Statute on prevention and combating crimes as subsequently amended was enacted. In the Soviet period this idea was primarily embodied in the activity of law enforcement authorities and public organizations that were focused on achieving a perfect result: to eradicate the crime in this way, although a separate law on prevention was not enacted. In the post-Soviet period in the context of updating all legislation, there were preconditions for the adoption of such a law, which were implemented in the form of Federal Law N 182-FZ dated 23.06.2016. The article analyzes its content in comparison with the developments of previous years, its strengths and weaknesses. The authors note some shortcomings which may affect the effectiveness of the law in practice and give recommendations for their elimination. The authors also discuss the prospect of further development of the legislation on crime prevention.


Law on prevention of offenses, Statute on prevention and combating crimes, individual prevention, general prevention, special prevention, system of crime prevention, state and municipal programs in the field of crime prevention, coordinating bodies in the field of crime prevention, monitoring in the field of crime prevention, re-socialization


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Author Biographies

Vladimir N. Burlakov, St. Petersburg State University

doctor of legal sciences, professor, professor of the Department of Criminal Law

Vladimir I. Poludniakov, St. Petersburg State University

candidate of legal sciences, professor of the Department of Criminal Law, judge emeritus


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How to Cite

Burlakov, V. N. ., & Poludniakov, V. I. (2016). The Law on Prevention of Crimes: History, Present and Future . Pravovedenie, 60(6), 134–150. Retrieved from



Public law