Synthetic theory of law as interpreted by the representatives of the Russian conservative ideology



The article is devoted to the substantiation of the synthetic concept of law understanding as interpreted by the conservative legal ideology in Russia. The author demonstrates the uniqueness of the Russian traditionalist concept of law based on the works of the Russian conservatives. The paper argues the idea that the law according to the conservative worldview is a unity of religion, morality, and a statute in the form of the concept of “truth”. Law understanding in the Russian conservatism is a special synthetic theory of law which differs from the attempt to connect the natural law, positivist and sociological concepts. The author explains the perception of law by the traditional Russian ideology as a factor of stabilization of social life and criticizes the widespread statement about nihilism of the Russian conservative legal thought. Transformation of an involuntary organized society into a free conciliar community of believers, the church, where the inner truth, conscience and law of God, rather than formal legal rules and coercion, are applied, was an ideal of the public and state-legal development for the conservatives. A statute, formal external truth, takes a subordinate position in relation to the spiritual and moral values of love, goodness, duty, justice and mercy and shall serve as a means of fighting the evil, of ensuring the minimum goodness in the society beyond which there is a social chaos and social anarchy. The statute shall absorb spiritual principles of the society. The statute is one of the elements of a living, organic combination of religion, morality (traditions) and formal law into a single regulator, the “Truth”. Conservatism saw the danger of law in two aspects: a legal idealism and voluntarism of the legislator and usage of law as a form of fixing anti-traditional liberal or socialist ideas and values. Essentially, the conservatives grasped the regularity of the secularized society: the weaker the traditional regulators are, the greater the role of the formal law is. However, the greater the role of law among other social regulators is, the level of crime, anarchy, and disorder is higher and the scope of state violence is increasing accordingly.


law understanding, conservatism, truth, morality, conciliarity, synthetic concept of law


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Author Biography

Anton A. Vasiliev, Altai State University

doctor of legal sciences, associate professor, head of Department of Theory and History of State and Law


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How to Cite

Vasiliev, A. A. (2016). Synthetic theory of law as interpreted by the representatives of the Russian conservative ideology. Pravovedenie, 60(4), 34–63. Retrieved from



Concept of law