Theory of State and Law: Textbook / ed. By V. A. Sapun. St. Petersburg: publishing house UNECON, 2015. 303 p.


  • Nikolai Antonovich Pridvorov Tambov State University named after G. R. Derzhavin
  • Vasilii Vladislavovich Trofimov Tambov State University named after G. R. Derzhavin


The review highlights the textbook on the theory of state and law prepared by a group of authors under the editorship of doctor of legal sciences, professor V. A. Sapun and published by the publishing house of the St. Petersburg State Economic University in 2015. It is noted that the peer-reviewed book delivers the necessary synthesis of traditional (classical) political and theoretical-legal knowledge and the novelistic elements that are reproduced in the modern state-legal science and are implemented in the educational course in the theory of state and law. The structure of the textbook is examined and its main parts are characterized. In particular, attention is drawn to the heuristic and didactic value of the methodological section of the textbook displayed in the foreground that allows students for whom this textbook is intended to rely on the proposed methods timely and to apply them while dealing with the complex course material on the theory of state and law. There is a brief description and evaluation of other aspects of the first section from the perspective of their usefulness for the educational process. A special focus is given to the analysis of the theoretical part of the textbook which elaborates on the appropriate and adequate selection of key topics of the training course and positively assesses the overall logic of presenting the academic and theoretical material. The characteristic feature of the course concepts and material presented is that the theoretical constructions of state and law are regarded in dynamics and in close relation to the realities of the state and legal life, first of all, in modern Russia. In terms of recommendations, some topics are suggested to be included in the educational course in order to motivate students and bring in the theoretical course additional practical links with the problems of state and law. The conclusion is made about the importance of peer-reviewed publication in the system of higher legal education. 


textbook, group of authors, theory of state and law, educational process, legal education, state and legal theory, science, methodology, students, state, law, state and legal life


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Author Biographies

Nikolai Antonovich Pridvorov , Tambov State University named after G. R. Derzhavin

doctor of legal sciences, professor

Vasilii Vladislavovich Trofimov , Tambov State University named after G. R. Derzhavin

doctor of legal sciences, professor


Teoriia gosudarstva i prava: ucheb. posobie [Theory of State and Law: tutorial]. Under the editorship of V. A. Sapun. St. Petersburg, SPbSEU Publ., 2015. 303 p. (In Russian)

Baranov V. M., Trofimov V. V. Lichnoe v pravotvorchestve: utopiia, antropologicheskii resurs ili neobkhodimoe tekhniko-iuridicheskoe sredstvo povysheniia kachestva [Personal in law-making: utopia, anthropological resource or the required technical and legal means of improving the quality]. Bulletin of Nizhegorodski Academy of MHA of Russia. Legal Science and Practice, 2015, no. 2 (30). pp. 9–18. (In Russian)



How to Cite

Pridvorov , N. A., & Trofimov , V. V. (2016). Theory of State and Law: Textbook / ed. By V. A. Sapun. St. Petersburg: publishing house UNECON, 2015. 303 p. Pravovedenie, 60(2), 240–246. Retrieved from


