Semiotics of law: the problems of defining basic concepts and selecting the paradigm


  • Natallia F. Kovkel Belarusian State Economic University


The article analyzes the level of development of modern semiotics of law and states the absence of universally recognized scientific concepts and a single paradigm. It introduces and defines the following basic concepts of semiotics of law: a legal sign, a legal sign system, a basic sign of the legal sign system, a legal semiosphere and a legal semiosis. A legal sign is defined as something that means or encodes objects of the legal reality (material or ideal one) in order to describe them, to find, process and obtaine new legal data. The legal sign system is described as a set of legal signs used in accordance with the rules assigned to or inherent in this system. The classification of legal signs and sign systems is based on the abstract character of their basic sign. It allows us to distinguish between the following types of legal signs and sign systems: natural, figurative, actions, language, records and codes. The author proposes a new paradigm of semiotics of law enabling to switch from traditional scientific basics to the study of the cultural context by means of developing the pragmatic analysis of the processes of creation, transmission and interpretation of legal signs and sign systems. The concepts of the legal semiosphere and legal semiosis are of particular importance for the development of this pragmatic analysis. The concept of a legal semiоsphere is defined as a continuum in which legal signs and sign systems are in operation, legal communication processes are developing and legal information is created. The legal semiosis is understood as an activity associated with the creation of legal signs and sign systems and their functioning. For the purpose of the pragmatic analysis of legal semiosis, a general semiotic model of legal communication is developed. It can be the basis for other semiotic constructions of the legal activity: law-making, legal systematization, law interpretation, law enforcement, etc. 


semiotics of law, basic concepts of the semiotics of law, legal sign, legal sign system, legal semiosphere, legal semiosis, paradigm of the semiotics of law


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Author Biography

Natallia F. Kovkel, Belarusian State Economic University

candidate of legal sciences, associate professor


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How to Cite

Kovkel, N. F. . (2017). Semiotics of law: the problems of defining basic concepts and selecting the paradigm. Pravovedenie, 61(4), 38–59. Retrieved from



Concept of law