Concerning consistent patterns of genesis and development of the anthropological and legal knowledge



The article deals with consistent patterns of the genesis of anthropological and legal knowledge. The inherent complexity and universality of the human essence causes the existence of subject-matter and methodological phenomena that differ in level and scope of reality. It is suggested to consider the following levels and sections of the anthropological knowledge: substantial and instrumental ones; a worldview one; biological and social ones which are united in the category of “anthropology”. Anthropology can simultaneously be considered as a basis for cognition of the objective reality or act as a goal and object of cognition, and, being a worldview form, it can have a methodological status of a research program. Herewith the anthropological knowledge, even without appealing to the worldview level, immanently considers it. The ambiguous nature of the anthropology generates uncertainty in the status of anthropological and legal disciplines which can overcome in the logic of changing scientific paradigms. The anthropological and legal knowledge can simultaneously manifest itself in the form of a separate science, a part of the science, an interdisciplinary direction within which theoretical and empirical levels are singled out. The anthropological and legal knowledge can develop in the methodological and subject-matter directions. In the first case the methodological status of the anthropological research and the subject spheres generated by them are comprehended. In the second case the specific subject sphere and the methods of its formation are considered. It is proposed to use the definitions “anthropological (anthropological and legal) knowledge” describing a complex of the subject-matter phenomena and “anthropological (anthropological and legal) studies” characterizing a complex of the methodological phenomena as generalizing categories. The dynamics of inclusion and exclusion of human problems into the subject-matter and methodology of cognition, as well as constant expansion of the research subject moving to the ultimate methodological generalizations are singled out as main regularities in the development of the anthropological and legal knowledge. The mentioned consistent patterns affect the development of the anthropological and legal knowledge in the social, biological and philosophical (worldview) dimensions.


anthropology, anthropological knowledge, anthropological and legal knowledge, anthropological dimension of jurisprudence, anthropological dimensions of the worldview research program in jurisprudence, anthropology of law, anthropological paradigm, anthropological approach in jurisprudence, methodology of legal science, worldview research program in jurisprudence


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Author Biography

Sergey A. Kalinin, Belarusian State University

candidate of legal sciences, associate professor, head of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law, Law Faculty


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How to Cite

Kalinin, S. A. . (2017). Concerning consistent patterns of genesis and development of the anthropological and legal knowledge. Pravovedenie, 61(2), 107–135. Retrieved from



Concept of law