Translation of legal texts: philosophical, theoretical and legal as well as methodological aspects


  • Vladimir M. Budilov


The main purpose of the article is to improve the methodology of translating legal texts. Additional purposes include studying of translation of the legal texts from a philosophical, as well as theoretical and legal perspectives; a call for further discussions concerning the subject matter of the article. The rights of citizens and legal persons, as well as development of the law and legislation often depend on translation of the legal texts. This prompted the author to start the article with consideration of the impact of translation of the legal texts on the development of law, in particular of the Russian law. The author touches upon the issues of risks and benefits for the law-making process associated with translating the legal texts. The author believes that it is necessary to take into account the latest special studies of linguists, lawyers, and philosophers, when improving the methodology of translating the legal texts. In his opinion, however, the works of lawyers and philosophers of the past related to this subject should not be forgotten. Their philosophical assessments and methodological approaches largely retain their value. The author explores the role of translations and translators of the legal texts from the point of view of philosophy and general theory of law. In this regard, as well as to demonstrate the difficulties of translating the legal texts, the author poses a question: is it possible to achieve equivalence in translating the legal texts? The author gives differentiated responses to this question depending on the type and complexity of the translated legal text. Further, the author presents his point of view on the methodological and practical aspects of the concept and structure of translating the legal texts. The problem of imperfect expression of the legal texts has been known in the jurisprudence for a long time. The author examines this problem in its connection with translating the legal texts. He proposes interrelated methods to achieve the perfect expression while translating the legal texts. The question who can be the translator of the legal texts also requires differentiated answers. In connection with this issue, the author sets out his view on the necessary linguistic, cultural and subject-matter competence. The author concludes the article by examining several problems of the civil law science that are associated with translating the legal texts. This article is intended for lawyers and linguists studying translation of the legal texts and dealing with legal linguistics, methodology of translation of the legal texts, translations of the legal texts, as well as for lawyers engaged in comparative jurisprudence or using translations of the legal texts in their activity.


translation of the legal texts, methodology, interpretation, interpretation of law, communication, legal linguistics, comparative jurisprudence, perfect expression of the legal texts


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Author Biography

Vladimir M. Budilov

candidate of legal sciences, independent researcher (Berlin)


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How to Cite

Budilov, V. M. . (2017). Translation of legal texts: philosophical, theoretical and legal as well as methodological aspects. Pravovedenie, 61(2), 42–91. Retrieved from



Concept of law