Leon Petrażycki, St.Petersburg school and the Polish theory and the sociology of law


  • Krzysztof Motyka The Catholic University of Lublin (KUL)


The article is devoted to the work of the outstanding Russian and Polish scholar, legal scientist, sociologist, philosopher, as well as the deputy of the first State Duma of the Russian Empire Leon Petrażycki. The author examines the work of Leon Petrażycki from the standpoint of the Polish legal thought and presents him as the most important and most recognizable figure in the history of the Polish legal science, or at least one of such figures. The author considers the historical perspective and studies the role, influence and place of Leon Petrażycki’s theory in the system of the Polish theory of law. In terms of the historical aspect, the author also describes the time of Petrażycki’s work at the department of the St. Petersburg State University. The author compares the works of Leon Petrażycki with the works of other Polish legal scientists (Sh. Rundstein), analyzes the similarities and differences in the scientific approaches to the law. He provides a detailed review of the criticism of Petrażycki’s works in the works of the Polish lawyers of that time, as well as contemporary Polish legal scientists. The author reveals the atmosphere that was formed around Leon Petrażycki after his forced immigration to Poland and describes his relations with the supporters (E. Yarr, H. Pietka, V. Makovsky, V. Komarnitsky, E. Lande) and opponents (Znamirovsky) of the psychological theory of law. Special attention is given to the particular role of Jerzy Lande in promoting and popularizing Petrażycki’s ideas. The article also describes the development of Leon Petrażycki’s ideas after World War II, mentions the works of the scientists who developed Petrażycki’s ideas at that time (A. V. Rudzinsky, R. Shidlovsky, G. L. Shidler). Then the author examines the influence of the Soviet era, notes the pernicious impact of both World War II and Stalinism on the dissemination of the theory and ideas of Leon Petrażycki. Finally, the work of scientists inspired by Petrażycki’s work nowadays (M. Fuscara, I. Jakubowska-Branicka, A. Koider, J. Kurchevsky, E. Kvasnevsky and others) is examined in detail.


Leon Petrażycki, psychological theory of law, E. Lande, M. Fuscara, I. Jakubowska-Branicka, A. Koider, J. Kurchevsky, E. Kvasnevsky


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Author Biography

Krzysztof Motyka, The Catholic University of Lublin (KUL)

Professor, Master of Science, PhD (head of the department)


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How to Cite

Motyka, . K. (2017). Leon Petrażycki, St.Petersburg school and the Polish theory and the sociology of law. Pravovedenie, 61(1), 205–221. Retrieved from https://pravovedenie.spbu.ru/article/view/6728


