Legal regulation of the free access to the gas pipeline system in the Russian Federation and in the European Union


  •  Aleksandr K. Volkov Université de Tours Francois-Rabelais (France)


The present article is a result of the legal comparative analysis of regulating the access to the gas pipeline system in Russia and in the European Union. Having presented the characteristics of the gas transportation market, the author marks out the following three guarantees of affording access to the gas pipeline system: 1) division between competitive and monopolistic types of activity which leads to establishment of a specific status of a system operator and of an undertaking-proprietor; 2) the operator’s obligation to grant access to the gas pipeline system; 3) the access is ensured by the application of the antitrust law. Following the analysis of the above-mentioned guarantees, the author has come to the conclusion that in the European legislation, as opposed to the Russian legislation, all guarantees are applicable. At the same time the researcher notes the radicalism of the European methods in terms of limiting freedom of commercial activity. Compliance with the obligation to grant the access to the gas pipeline system in the European Union is controlled by special independent regulators and antitrust authorities the powers of which may be overlapping. In the Russian Federation the antitrust authority has been performing certain functions of a special regulator since 2015. The remaining functions (e.g. development of the gas pipeline network) are actually performed by Gazprom, a state controlled company. Despite the differences and seeming imperfection of the Russian regulation, we should not make the premature conclusion that the Russian legislation needs to be reformed in the «European» way. Especially since in practice neither Russian, nor European legislation sufficiently ensures the free access to the gas pipeline system.


energy law, gas industry, liberalization of legal regulation, unbundling, access to the pipeline


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Author Biography

 Aleksandr K. Volkov, Université de Tours Francois-Rabelais (France)

PhD in law, docteur en droit privé


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How to Cite

Volkov, AleksandrK. (2017). Legal regulation of the free access to the gas pipeline system in the Russian Federation and in the European Union. Pravovedenie, 61(5), 101–125. Retrieved from



Private law