Intellectual property rights court as a subject of administrative jurisdiction


  • Nikolay A. Kulakov St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia


The article briefly summarizes the outcomes of the studying the legal status of the Intellectual Property Rights Court as one of the subjects of administrative and legal protection of intellectual property rights. As a result of the conducted research, the author comes to a conclusion that the Intellectual Property Rights Court should be referred to the number of state authorities implementing measures of administrative and legal protection of intellectual property rights. In particular, the Court carries out administrative legal proceedings and reviews administrative sanction cases under articles 14.10 and 14.33 KoAP of the Russian Federation as a court of cassation. The author substantiates the expansion of the Court jurisdiction by transferring the functions to consider administrative offence cases encroaching on copyright and related rights. As the author states, the current legal status of the Intellectual Property Rights Court has potential for expansion of the scope of its jurisdiction. The given judicial body is the first specialised court in the history of the Russian Federation. Under conditions of the Court creation the maximum expansion of its specialised jurisdiction seems to be a right step from the point of view of the governance efficiency. In this connection, it is expedient to include all administrative offence cases encroaching on intellectual property rights within the cassation jurisdiction of the Court, irrespective of a court of a lower instance which has examined the case. Such step will enable to increase the efficiency of administrative and legal protection of intellectual property rights and promote the uniformity of the case.


Intellectual Property Rights Court, administrative legal proceedings, administrative responsibility, intellectual property, copyrights, related rights


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Author Biography

Nikolay A. Kulakov, St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

candidate of legal sciences


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How to Cite

Kulakov, N. A. (2017). Intellectual property rights court as a subject of administrative jurisdiction. Pravovedenie, 61(4), 176–182. Retrieved from



Public law