Psychological dimension in the constitutional understanding of law: experience of doctrinal reception
The author substantiates the importance of a scientific and philosophical-legal heritage of the prominent Russian scholar L. Petrażycki for the theory and practice of constitutionalism in the contemporary Russia. L. Petrażycki combined the psychological approach to law in line with the non-classical methodology of knowledge with the consistent criticism of positivism which is not able to offer convincing answers to many relevant legal issues. This applies, in particular, to a psychological interpretation of a personality as a subject of law; correlation between the concepts of individual law and the idea of human rights; the problems of interconnection between law and morals; nature of legal discretion; scientific criteria of validity of positive law; justice as a legally relevant principle and value. Modern constitutional law science should be attentive to such developments, given their international recognition and academic status in terms of acceptable reception of the main achievements. The comparative analysis reveals that L. Petrażycki’s psychological methodology of law and ethics are not always quite balanced, however in his doctrine there are no decisive contradictions to the teleology and the spirit of constitutionalism. Moreover, in the author’s opinion, the prominent scientist has intuitively anticipated many aspects of the theory of constitutional enjoyment of rights, and only the legal reality of his time, the lack of the necessary “object” did not allow him to reach the appropriate level of generalization. The profound and original psychological theory of law and morality deserves to be recognized as a doctrinal source of clarification and development of the modern theory of constitutional law in a broad sense; is a subsidiary resource of constitutionalization of the Russian legal system.
philosophy of constitutionalism, genealogy of the constitutional understanding of law, psychology of law, relevance of L. Petrażycki’s heritage
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