The effect of legal norms in the digital media space and the semantic limits of law
In the context of the digital transformation of society, the range of legal problems related to the limits of intervention of the real law into virtual space is becoming relevant. The article proposes to consider such legal conflicts as a reflection of the universal problem of the relationship between the law and the digital media space. The theoretical and legal interpretation of the problem, expressed in the concept of semantic limits of law, is based on the fact that the main problem in this case is the problem of interpreting the law, finding the boundaries between absurdity and common sense. The methodology of the reconstruction of semantic limits of law based on two criteria is proposed: “seriousness” (convertible “socio-currency value” of the subject of relations in the interpretation of T. Parsons, S. Abrutyn etc.) and “reality” (structural and functional adequacy of the subject to the core meaning of the legal norm in the terminology of H. Hart). In the conditions of media reality, this methodology allows us to separate absurd situations from situations where it is necessary to “weigh” values in the meaning of R. Alexy’s approach, as well as from situations that correspond to common sense. The concept can be used in structuring legal reasoning, evaluating law enforcement and legislative initiatives, as well as to serve the purpose of developing the discourse of general and sectoral theory of law, the general interdisciplinary discourse of the medial turn.
law, theoretical sociology, medial turn, digital technologies, virtual reality, magic circle, information, absurdity, common sense, semantics, semantic limits of law
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