Political and Legal Views of Alexei Borovoy (Anarcho-humanism)


  • Andrey Sergeevich Bystrov National Research University “Higher School of Economics”


The article discusses the political and legal views of Alexey Borovoy, a prominent Russian anarchist theoretician of the early 20th century. His philosophy, which represents an original system of views on social structure, is discussed in the context of the accepted classifications of the anarchist movements taking into account the historical and cultural development. The author describes the preconditions and genesis of Borovoy’s unique philosophy which demonstrates that his position, despite its closeness to the individualist anarchism, cannot be confined to a single scientific category. In his analysis of Borovoy’s views, the author gives a detailed review of Borovoy’s self-criticism of anarchism, mainly based on the opposition of prevailing contemporary anti-state theories. Borovoy applied this critical approach to representatives of the European and American individualist anarchism, in reconsidering Bakunin’s “seditious” theory and in his sceptical analysis of Kropotkin’s doctrine. Apart from the ideologies, the scientist hotly criticized the “state structure” and institutional political forms. Accordingly, the article focuses on the issue of parliamentary system as an institution which, according to Borovoy, instead of being a venue for competition of national or public interests, is limited to rival ambitions of few most active population groups. The article also considers the role and essence of the law within the system of Borovoy’s views. The author gives a detailed analysis of the anarchist theory developed by Borovoy, the evolution of his views and their connection with the key events and philosophic movements in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The resulting conclusion is that Borovoy’s philosophy remains highly relevant and his theories on the state and the law are of great scientific importance. The anarchist theoretician has made a notable contribution to the legacy of political and legal thought.


anarchism, law, individualism, authority, state, revolution, personality, society


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Author Biography

Andrey Sergeevich Bystrov , National Research University “Higher School of Economics”

assistant, postgraduate student, Department of Theory and History of Law, Law Faculty


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How to Cite

Bystrov , A. S. (2016). Political and Legal Views of Alexei Borovoy (Anarcho-humanism). Pravovedenie, 60(6), 184–211. Retrieved from https://pravovedenie.spbu.ru/article/view/7036



History of the legal thought