On romanticism in the arbitration procedure. Essay on Konstantin Konstantinovich Lebedev in connection with his anniversary



In October 2016 Konstantin Lebedev, a Leningrad native, lecturer at the Department of Commercial Law of the St. Petersburg State University, associate professor, candidate of legal sciences, celebrated his 75th anniversary of birth. Widely known in our country, the scientist is an author of a large number of scientific publications. Konstantin Lebedev focused significant part of his research on deepening and development of business relations, participating actively, both from creative and practical perspective, in their formation and development in the post-reform era. Among the wide range of scientific interests of Konstantin Konstantinovich, his particular attention was directed to development of problems connected with the protection of entrepreneurs’ violated rights in arbitration courts. These problems arose during the formation of a separate judicial branch in Russia, namely the system of arbitration courts. Being not only a leading scientist but also a practicing attorney, K. K. Lebedev enjoys a significant advantage, namely that his research and developments initially “hard won” through judicial and arbitration practice with his participation then undergo scientific comprehension, analytical analysis and comparison of existing substantive and procedural legislation with their proposed amendments, and then again tested in practice by considering the opinions and wishes of legal practitioners before being proposed for a wide scientific discussion. This advantage predetermines the permanent relevance of the anniversary celebrant’s research, its focus on real assistance to entrepreneurs who, unfortunately, continue to spend a significant part of their time for participating to various extent in litigation disputes with their counterparties. K. K. Lebedev is also known for a conscious rejection of any unlawful practices of the trial, procedural “tricks” which although provide procedural success, but this success, in the opinion of the anniversary celebrant, is temporary, apparent as such, and, hence, is not able to completely solve the entrepreneur’s problem because of the defects in the “legal basis”. The anniversary celebrant encourages young lawyers to comply with the fundamental principles of judicial competition while protecting the violated rights of entrepreneurs, to provide them with judicial protection taking into account high moral and professional principles. This rule constitutes K. K. Lebedev’s motto due to which he enjoys well-deserved recognition with scholars, legal practitioners and the entire business community.


K. K. Lebedev, economic disputes, judicial protection, arbitration proceedings, procedural tools, romanticism, teaching, commercial law, teacher


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Author Biography

Yurii Alekseevich Poliakov , Leningrad Regional Bar Association

candidate of legal sciences, lawyer 


Kommercheskoe (predprinimatel’skoe) pravo: uchebnik: v 2 t. [Commercial (business) law: textbook: in 2 vols.]. Ed. by V. F. Popondopulo. 5th ed. rev. and exp. Moscow, Prospekt Publ., 2016 (1 — 608 p., vol. 2 — 640 p.; K. K. Lebedev has written chapters 14, 21, 30 and 31). (in Russian)

Kommentarii k Zakonu “O nesostoiatel’nosti (bankrotstve)”. Postateinyi nauchno-prakticheskii [Commentary to the Law “On insolvency (bankruptcy)” By article scientific and practical]. Ed. by V.F.Popondopulo. 4th ed., rev. and exp. Moscow, Prospect Publ., 2015. 1136 p. (K. K. Lebedev has written comments to chapters V and VI). (in Russian)

Kommentarii k Federal’nomu zakonu “O zashchite konkurentsii” [The commentary to the Federal law “On protection of competition”]. Ed. by V. F. Popondopulo, D. A. Petrov. Moscow, Norma, INFRA-M Publ., 2013. 304 p. (K.K.Lebedev has written comments to chapters 3 and 9). (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. Predprinimatel’skoe i kommercheskoe pravo: sistemnye aspekty (predprinimatel’skoe i kommercheskoe pravo v sisteme prava i zakonodatel’stva, sisteme iuridicheskikh nauk i uchebnykh distsiplin) [Business and commercial law: system aspects (business and commercial law in the system of law and legislation, legal science and academic disciplines)]. St. Petersburg, Publishing house “Legal centre Press” Publ., 2002. 318 p. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. Pravovoe obsluzhivanie biznesa (korporativnyi iurist): ucheb.-prakt. posobie [Legal services for business (corporate lawyer): Training manual]. Moscow, Yurist Publ., 2001. 475 p. (in Russian)

Lebedev K. K. [Protection of rights and legitimate interests of entrepreneurs. Chapter XI]. Kommercheskoe pravo: v 2 ch.: uchebnik [Commercial law. In 2 vols: the Textbook]. Eds. V.F.Popondopulo, V.F.Jakovlevoj. 3rd ed. rev. and exp. Moscow, Yurist Publ., 2002, part 1, pp. 561–620. (in Russian)

Lebedev K. K. [Problems of protection of the rights of entrepreneurs in the commercial legal relations]. 10 let kafedre kommercheskogo prava. Aktual’nye problemy nauki i praktiki kommercheskogo prava. Trudy konferentsii: sb. [10 years of the Department of commercial law. Actual problems of science and practice of commercial law. Proceedings of the conference]. St. Petersburg, 1995, pp. 82–86. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. [Four instances. The work of legal practitioner in arbitration court in protection of interests of entrepreneurs, for example, a particular litigation of the case on debt collection for delivered goods]. Iuridicheskii detektiv [Legal detective]. St. Petersburg. Publishing house, Co. Limited TK “Petropolis”, 1998. 304 p. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K., Slesarev V.L. [New Arbitration procedural code of the Russian Federation — the legal basis for the resolution of economic disputes]. Arbitrazhnyi protsessual’nyi kodeks Rossiiskoi Federatsii [Arbitration procedural code of the Russian Federation]. St. Petersburg, Publishing house “Legal centre Press”, 2002, pp. 9–95. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. Kommercheskoe pravo. Praktikum: ucheb. posobie [Business law: Practicum]. 3rd ed. rev. and exp. textbook. St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg University Press, 2004. 488 p. (in Russian)



How to Cite

Poliakov , Y. A. (2016). On romanticism in the arbitration procedure. Essay on Konstantin Konstantinovich Lebedev in connection with his anniversary. Pravovedenie, 60(5), 213–224. Retrieved from https://pravovedenie.spbu.ru/article/view/7011


