Scholar, teacher, legal practitioner: to the 75th anniversary of Konstantin Konstantinovich Lebedev


  • Dmitry Viktorovich Nefyodov HSE University, St.Petersburg


The article provides an analytical overview of the main areas of scientific and practical activity of the well-known St. Petersburg scientist and lawyer K. K. Lebedev who has been working at the law faculty of the St. Petersburg State University for over 45 years. The article describes his works on various aspects of civil and business (commercial) law which have been published during these years. The author of the article emphasizes Lebedev’s contribution to the development of business and commercial law as a science in the modern Russia. K. K. Lebedev was one of the first legal scholars in the domestic jurisprudence at the modern historical stage who justified the delimitation of business (commercial) law not only from the related branches (civil, administrative law), but also from the economic and legal concepts adopted in the Soviet period of the legal science development in Russia. In the works of K. K. Lebedev, business law is viewed as a set of legal institutes facilitating the business activity. It is also viewed from the perspective of the system of law and the system of legislation, a branch of the legal science and an academic discipline. At the same time, versatility is typical for K. K. Lebedev as a scientist and an author; the range of his interests is very wide. The article describes certain areas of K. K. Lebedev’s research, such as legal aspects of economic development, monitoring of the current legislation and law enforcement practice. The author of the article emphasizes the huge contribution of K. K. Lebedev in academic substantiation of including the discipline «Business (commercial) law» in the curriculum for academic bachelor and master programmes. K. K. Lebedev is a constant co-author of the textbooks which are developed at the Department of Commercial Law of the St. Petersburg State University. He delivers lectures, conducts practical lessons in the basic course of commercial law, and supervises writing of final qualification works. K. K. Lebedev has developed and for several years has been successfully teaching a special course for master students «Legal Support and Protection of Entrepreneurs’ Rights». Under the supervision of K. K. Lebedev, postgraduate students defend doctoral theses on urgent problems of the science of business and commercial law.


K. K. Lebedev, scientific, teasching and practical activity, study of legislation and practice of its application, issues of legal regulation of entrepreneurial activity and economic relations, concept of business law


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Author Biography

Dmitry Viktorovich Nefyodov , HSE University, St.Petersburg

candidate of legal sciences, associate professor, professor, head of the Department of Financial Law


“Biznes + Business” = eto tak prosto!? [“Business + Business” = it is so easy!?]. In two books. Leningrad, MGP “Petropolis”, 1990. Kn. 1 — 296 p.; vol. 2 — 351 p. (Lebedev K. K. — is one of the compilers and the general editor). (in Russian)

Anisimov O.V., Lebedev K.K. Voin i uchenyi. K 90-letiiu so dnia rozhdeniia Konstantina Evgen’evicha Livantseva [Warrior and a scholar. To the 90 anniversary since the birth of Konstantin E. Livantsev]. St. Petersburg University, Jun 14, 2013, no. 9(3867), pp. 62–64. (in Russian)

Anisimov, O.V., Lebedev K.K. Bolee shestidesiati let na sluzhbe Universiteta. K 90-letiiu so dnia rozhdeniia professora, doktora iuridicheskikh nauk Alekseia Ivanovicha Koroleva [More than sixty years in the service of the University. The 90th anniversary of the birth of Professor, doctor of law Alexei Ivanovich Korolev]. St. Petersburg University, November 1, 2013, no. 14(3872), pp. 65–67. (in Russian)

Ioffe O. S. Obiazatel’stvennoe pravo [The obligation law]. Moscow, Publishing house “Legal literature”, 1975. 880 p. (in Russian)

Kommentarii k Federal’nomu zakonu “Ob arbitrazhe (treteiskom razbiratel’stve) v Rossiiskoi Federatsii” (postateinyi, nauchno-prakticheskii) [The commentary to the Federal law “On arbitration (arbitration proceedings) in the Russian Federation” (itemized scientific and practical)]. Eds. Professor O.Y.Skvortsov and Professor M.Y.Savransky “Statute”. Moscow, Statute Publ., 2016. 352 p. (Lebedev K. K. Commentary to the articles 44–47). (in Russian)

Krasavchikov O.A. Sovetskoe grazhdanskoe zakonodatel’stvo (k 50-letiiu obrazovaniia SSSR) [Soviet civil law (to the 50 anniversary of the USSR)]. Sovetskoe gosudarstvo i pravo [Soviet state and law], 1972, no. 12, pp. 107–112. (in Russian)

Lebedev K. [Legal regulation of banking activities; paragraphs 1–5 of Chapter XX]. Kommercheskoe pravo: v 2 ch.: uchebnik [Commercial law. In 2 vols: the Textbook]. Eds. V. F. Popondopulo, V. F. Jakovleva. Part 1. 3d ed., rev. and exp. Moscow, Yurist Publ., 2002, pp. 319–382. (in Russian)

Lebedev K. K. [A contract for the provision of services for the conservation of genetic material for its subsequent transplantation]. Meditsina i pravo: Doklady na konferentsii “Meditsina i pravo v XXI veke” 23–24 iiunia 1999 g. [Medicine and the law: papers from the conference “medicine and law in the XXI century”, June 23–24, 1999]. St. Petersburg, St. Petersb. University Press, 2001, pp. 41–44. (in Russian)

Lebedev K. K. [A critical analysis of some provisions of the civil procedural law (the CPC RF and APC RF) from the point of view of practical protection of the rights of citizens and organizations]. Zashchita grazhdanskikh prav v usloviiakh reformirovaniia grazhdanskogo i grazhdanskogo protsessual’nogo zakonodatel’stva: materialy Mezhdunarod. nauch.- prakt. konf. 22 maia 2015 g. [Protection of civil rights in conditions of reform of the civil and civil procedural law. International scientific-practical conference may 22, 2015]. Eds. A. N. Kozbagarov, K. G. Svarcheskij. St. Petersburg, Publishing house “Petropolis”, 2015, pp. 150–161. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. [Arbitration and improving production efficiency/performance at the all-Union scientific-practical conference “Strengthening the role of state arbitration mechanism in the socialist economy”. Moscow, March 1980]. Povyshenie roli gosudarstvennogo arbitrazha v mekhanizme sotsialisticheskogo khoziaistvovaniia [Enhancing the role of state arbitration mechanism in the socialist economy]. Moscow, 1981, pp. 27–29. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. [Bibliographic materials (cover review, etc.)]. Sobchak A.A. Sobr. Soch. v 5 t. [Collected works in five volumes]. Ed. by L.B.Narusova. St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg public Fund of Anatoly Sobchak, 2013. Vol. I. Voprosy pravovogo regulirovaniia ekonomiki [Issues of legal regulation of the economy], pp. 545–591; Vol. II. Pravovye problemy khoziaistvennykh otnoshenii v period provedeniia reform i perekhoda k rynochnoi ekonomike [Legal problems of economic relations in the period of reforms and transition to a market economy], pp. 728–775; Vol. III. Voprosy grazhdanskogo prava [Questions of civil law], pp. 622–671. (in Russian)

Lebedev K. K. [Bodies of management of the national economy]. Konstitutsionnye osnovy narodovlastiia v SSSR [Constitutional basis of democracy in the USSR]. Eds. Professor B. I. Kogohin and Professor Yu. K. Tolstoy. Leningrad, Leningrad University Press, 1980, pp. 305–324. (in Russian)

Lebedev K. K. [Business and commercial law in the Russian law]. Rossiiskaia akademiia iuridicheskikh nauk [Russian Academy of legal Sciences]. Issue 2. In 2 vols. Vol. 2. Moscow, Publishing group “Yurist”, 2002, pp. 634–643. (in Russian)

Lebedev K. K. [Concept of entrepreneurship as the basis for qualification of economic crimes]. Ekonomicheskaia prestupnost’: problemy pravosudiia: materialy Mezhvuz. nauch. konf. 28–29 noiabria 2014 g., Sankt-Peterburg [Economic crime: problems of justice: materials of Interuniversity scientific conference 28–29 November 2014, St. Petersburg]. redkol. A. A. Exarchopoulo (resp. ed.), I. M. Kleimenov, D. V. Nefedov, A. V. Iljin. St. Petersburg, Publishing house of Polytechnical Institute. University press, 2015, pp. 42–52. (in Russian)

Lebedev K. K. [Contract in the procurement system for state and municipal needs]. Sovremennye paradigmy nauchnykh vozzrenii: materialy Mezhdunarod. nauch.-prakt. konf. 27–28 fevralia 2016 goda, g. Sankt-Peterburg [The Modern paradigm of scientific views. The Materials of International scientific-practical conference February 27–28, 2016, St. Petersburg]. St. Petersburg, Publ. house “Kultinformpress”, 2016, pp. 166–174. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. [Development of the legislation of Russia on the modern stage: by the end of 2015. In the collection: “Science today. Key problems and prospects”]. “Nauka segodnia. Kliuchevye problemy i perspektivy razvitiia”: sb. nauch. statei po itogam Mezhdunarod. nauch.-prakt. konf. 19–20 dekabria 2015 goda g. [Collection of scientific articles on the results of International scientific-practical conference on December 19–20, 2015]. St. Petersburg, Publishing house “Kultinformpress”, 2015, pp.191–197. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. [Development of the legislation of Russia on the modern stage: by the end of 2015/ the second article]. Nauka kak dvizhushchaia antikrizisnaia sila: innovatsionnye trebovaniia, prioritetnye napravleniia i tendentsii razvitiia fundamental’nykh i prikladnykh nauchnykh issledovanii, 15–16 ianvaria 2016 goda. g. [Science as the driving force of crisis: an innovative requirements, priorities and trends of development of fundamental and applied scientific research, 15–16 January 2016]. St. Petersburg, Publ. house “Kultinformpress”, 2016, pp. 209–215. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. [Development of the legislation of Russia on the modern stage: by the end of 2015/ the third article. Modernisation vector of development of science in the XXI century: tradition, innovation, continuity]. Modernizatsionnyi vektor razvitiia nauki v XXI veke: traditsii, novatsii, preemstvennost’: sb. nauch. statei po itogam Mezh- dunarod. nauch.-prakt. konf. Nekommercheskogo obrazovatel’nogo uchrezhdeniia dopolnitel’nogo professional’nogo obrazovaniia “Sankt-Peterburgskii institut proektnogo menedzhmenta” [Collection of scientific articles on the results of International scientific- practical conference of a Nonprofit educational institution of additional professional education “Saint-Petersburg Institute of project management”]. St. Petersburg, “Publishing center “the Kultinformpress” 2016, pp. 277–282. Available at: website: SPb Institute of project management, section “Archive collections”. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. [Development of the legislation of Russia on the modern stage: by the end of 2015 / the second article]. Nauka kak dvizhushchaia antikrizisnaia sila: innovatsionnye trebovaniia, prioritetnye napravleniia i tendentsii razvitiia fundamental’nykh i prikladnykh nauchnykh issledovanii: materialy Mezhdunarod. nauch.-prakt. konf. 15–16 ianvaria 2016 goda, g. Sankt-Peterburg [Science as the driving force of crisis: an innovative requirements, priorities and trends of development of fundamental and applied scientific researches. Materials of the International scientific-practical conference on 15–16 January 2016, Saint-Petersburg]. St. Petersburg, Publ. house “Kultinformpress”, 2016, pp. 209–215. (in Russian)

Lebedev K. K. [Development of the Treaty system in Russia at the present stage]. Grazhdanskoe pravo: vyzovy vremeni: materialy Mezhdunarod. nauch. konf., posviashchennoi 70-letnemu iubileiu dokt. iur. nauk, professora A. G. Didenko (Almaty, 3 oktiabria 2014g.) [Civil law: the challenges of the time. Materials of the International scientific conference devoted to the 70th anniversary of Professor A. G. Didenko (Almaty, October 3, 2014)]. Almaty, IR “Rarity”, 2014, pp. 279–313. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. [Features of application of norms of commercial law]. Primenenie prava: istoriia, teoriia i praktika Application of law: history, theory and practice]. Eds. of A. I. Korolev and L. S. Yavich. Leningrad, 1983, pp. 49–64. (in Russian)

Lebedev K. K. [Financial recovery. External management. Chapters V and VI]. Kommentarii k Zakonu “O nesostoiatel’nosti (bankrotstve)”: postateinyi nauchno-prakticheskii [Commentary to the Law “On insolvency (bankruptcy)”. By article scientific and practical. Ed. by V. F. Popondopulo. 4th ed., rev. and exp. Moscow, Prospect Publ., 2015, pp. 267–434. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. [Government regulation and price controls on goods]. Kommercheskoe (predprinimatel’skoe) pravo: uchebnik: v 2 t. T.1 [Commercial (business) law: textbook: in 2 vols. Vol. 1]. 4 th ed., rev. and exp.; ed. by V. F. Popondopulo. Moscow, Prospect Publ., 2009, pp. 410–444. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. [How capitalism is been creating: reflections O.S.Ioffe about the historical background and prospects for post-Soviet Russia]. Aktual’nye problemy nauki i praktiki kommercheskogo prava. Vyp.6: sb. nauch. statei [Actual problems of science and practice of commercial law. Vol. 6: collection of scientific articles]. Saint-Petersburg state University, faculty of Law; eds. V. F. Popondopulo and D. V. Nefedov. Moscow, Volters Kluver Publ., 2007, pp. 429–447. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. [Improvement of the legal fixation of the competence of business subdivisions]. Aktual’nye voprosy ukrepleniia pravovoi osnovy gosudarstvennoi i obshchestvennoi zhizni. Mezhvuzovskii sbornik [Topical issues of strengthening the legal foundations of state and public life. Interuniversity collection]. Ed. by N. A. Cechina. Leningrad, 1982, pp. 54–63. (in Russian)

Lebedev K. K. [International sale of goods (Chapter 1 of part two Special)]. Mezhdunarodnoe kommercheskoe pravo: ucheb. posobie [International commercial law; textbook]. Ed. by V. F. Popondopulo. Moscow, Omega-L Publ., 2004, pp. 212–247. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. [International sale of goods (Chapter 7)]. Mezhdunarodnoe kommercheskoe pravo: uchebnik dlia magistrov [International commercial law: the textbook for masters]. V.F.Popondopulo etc.; ed. by V.F.Popondopulo. 3rd ed. Rev. and exp. Moscow, Publishing house Yurayt, 2013, pp. 201–237. (in Russian)

Lebedev K. K. [Legal form of cooperation, rapprochement and unification of commercial banks]. Aktual’nye problemy nauki i praktiki kommercheskogo prava: sb. nauch. trudov [Actual problems of science and practice of commercial law. Collection of scientific works]. Vol. 2. St. Petersburg, St. Peterb. University Press, 1997, pp. 87–96. (in Russian)

Lebedev K. K. [Legal form of economic independence and initiative of the socialist organizations]. Rol’ pravovykh sredstv v optimizatsii deistviia khoziaistvennogo mekhanizma: mezhvuz. sb. [A role of legal means to optimize the action of the economic mechanism. Interuniversity collection]. Moscow, 1983, pp. 19–23. (in Russian)

Lebedev K. K. [Legal foundation of the market economy. The civil code of the Russian Federation — the legal Foundation of the market economy]. Grazhdanskii kodeks Rossiiskoi Federatsii. Chast’ pervaia (Pravovoi fundament rynochnoi ekonomiki v Rossii) [The Civil code of the Russian Federation. Part one (the Legal Foundation of the market economy in Russia)]. St. Petersburg, MCNET, 1995, pp. 3–14. (in Russian)

Lebedev K. K. [Legal grounds for the accumulation and use of private capital according to the legislation of the Russian Federation]. Aktual’nye problemy sovershenstvovaniia zakonodatel’stva i pravoprimenitel’noi praktiki na sovremennom etape: materialy mezhvuz. nauch-prakt. konf. [Actual problems of improving legislation and law enforcement practice at the present stage. Materials of interuniversity scientifically-practical conference]. Ed. by O. A. Zajaczkowski. Kaliningrad, Publishing house of KGU, 2004, pp. 143–158. (in Russian)

Lebedev K. K. [Legal mechanism of management of the socialist economy]. 70 let Sovetskogo gosudarstva i prava [70 years of the Soviet state and law]. A.I.Korolev, Y. A. Denisov, B. I. Kogohin etc. Eds. A. I. Korolev, Yu. K. Tolstoy and L. S. Yavich. Leningrad, Leningrad University Press, 1987, pp. 274–292. (in Russian)

Lebedev K. K. [Legal protection for the interests of large private capital in Russia: tendencies of development of legislation]. Razvitie khoziaistvennogo zakonodatel’stva na sovremennom etape: materialy Mezhdunarod. nauch. konf. 29 aprelia 2004 g. [The Development of economic legislation at the present stage: materials of International scientific conference 29 April, 2004]. Moscow, TK Velbi, Publishing house Prospect, 2004, pp. 37–46. (in Russian)

Lebedev K. K. [Legal regulation of activities on realization of goods (Chapter 21)]. Kommercheskoe (predprinimatel’skoe) pravo: uchebnik: v 2 t. [Commercial (business) law: textbook: in 2 vols.]. Ed. by V. F. Popondopulo. 5th ed. Rev. and exp. Vol. 2. Moscow, Prospect Publ., 2016, pp. 3–56. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. [Legal regulation of activity on rendering of legal services]. Kommercheskoe (predprinimatel’skoe) pravo: uchebnik: v 2 t. T. 2 [Commercial (business) law: textbook: in 2 vols. Vol. 1]. 4 th ed., rev. and exp.; ed. by V. F. Popondopulo. Moscow, Prospect Publ,, 2009, pp. 285–310. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. [Legal regulation of activity on rendering of services (Chapter 31)]. Kommercheskoe (predprinimatel’skoe) pravo: uchebnik: v 2 t. [Commercial (business) law: textbook: in 2 vols.]. Ed. by V. F. Popondopulo. 5th ed. Rev. and exp. Vol. 2. Moscow, Prospect Publ., 2016, pp. 314–345. (in Russian)

Lebedev K. K. [Legal regulation of auditing activities (Chapter 30)]. Kommercheskoe (predprinimatel’skoe) pravo: uchebnik: v 2 t. [Commercial (business) law: textbook: in 2 vols.]. Ed. by V. F. Popondopulo. 5th ed. Rev. and exp. Vol. 2. Moscow, Prospect Publ., 2016, pp. 291–313. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. [Legal regulation of auditing activities]. Kommercheskoe (predprinimatel’skoe) pravo: uchebnik: v 2 t. T. 2 [Commercial (business) law: textbook: in 2 vols. Vol. 2]. 4 th ed., rev. and exp.; ed. by V. F. Popondopulo. Moscow, Prospect Publ., 2009, pp. 264–284. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. [Legal regulation of banking activities]. Kommercheskoe pravo: uchebnik. Ch.II [Commercial law. Tutorial II]. Eds. V.F.Popondopulo, V.F.Jakovleva. St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg University press, 1998, pp. 191–274. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. [Legal regulation of credit and payment services]. Pravovoe regulirovanie otnoshenii v sfere obsluzhivaniia grazhdan [Legal regulation of relations in sphere of servicing of citizens]. Eds. A. Yu. Kabalkin etc. Moscow, 1983, pp. 149–155. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. [Legal regulation of securities circulation]. Pravovoe polozhenie arendnykh, malykh predpriiatii, aktsionernykh obshchestv i drugikh form khoziaistvennoi deiatel’nosti v usloviiakh perekhoda k rynku: tezisy dokladov nauch.-prakt. seminara 10–11 aprelia 1991 g. [The legal status of rental, small enterprises, joint stock companies and other forms of economic activity in conditions of transition to the market. Abstracts of scientific-practical seminar, 10-11 April 1991]. Leningrad, 1991, pp. 18–23. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. [Legal regulation of the transfer of property ownership]. Kommercheskoe (predprinimatel’skoe) pravo: uchebnik: v 2 t. T.2 [Commercial (business) law: textbook: in 2 vols. Vol. 2]. 4 th ed., rev. and exp.; ed. by V. F. Popondopulo. Moscow, Prospect Publ,, 2009, pp. 8–52. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. [Legal services for entrepreneurs]. Kommercheskoe pravo: v 2 ch.: uchebnik [Commercial law. In 2 vols: the Textbook]. Eds. V. F. Popondopulo, V. F. Jakovleva. Part 1. 3rd ed., rev. and exp. Moscow, Yurist Publ., 2002, pp. 529–560. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. [Legal services for entrepreneurs]. Kommercheskoe pravo zarubezhnykh stran: uchebnik [Commercial law of foreign countries: the Textbook]. Ed. by V.F.Popondopulo. St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg University press, 2005, pp.464–484. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. [Legal status of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)]. Bankovskoe pravo: uchebnik i praktikum dlia akademicheskogo bakalavriata [Banking law: tutorial and workshop for undergraduate academic]. Eds. V.F. Popondopulo, D. A. Petrov. Moscow, Yurait Publ., 2014, pp. 255–304. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. [Liability for breach of contractual obligations]. Dogovornoe pravo Finliandii i Rossii [Sopimusoikeus Suomessa Ja Venajalla (Contract law in Finland and Russia)]. Soili Nysten Haarala — Olga Makarova — Onerva-Aulikki (toim); Popondopulo V.F., Barinov A.M., Bushev A.Yu., Makarova O.A. Kovalevskaja, N.S., Petrov D.A., Lebedev K. K. Helsinki, 2013, pp. 58–66 (in Finnish).

Lebedev K.K. [Matrix system as the basis for legal and legislative technique]. Iuridicheskaia tekhnika: voprosy teorii i istorii: materialy mezhvuz. nauch-prakt. konf. SPb., 17 iiunia 2005 g. [Legal technique: issues of theory and history: proceedings of the interuniversity scientific-practical conference. St. Petersburg, June 17, 2005]. Comp. S.V.Volkova, N.I.Malysheva; ed. by D.I.Lukovskaya. St. Petersburg, 2005, pp.72–80. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. [Methodology of the Marxist-Leninist legal science (abstracts)]. Metodologiia marksistsko-leninskoi iuridicheskoi nauki. Ch. 1. Osnovnye voprosy metodologii marksistsko-leninskoi iuridicheskoi nauki [Methodology of the Marxist-Leninist legal science. Part 1. Basic methodology of Marxist-Leninist legal science]. Leipzig, 1975. (in Russian)

Lebedev K. K. [Money. Securities. Property]. Sovetskoe grazhdanskoe pravo [Soviet civil law]. Eds. V.T.Smirnov, Yu.K.Tolstoy, A.K.Jurchenko. Vol.1. Leningrad, Leningrad University Press, 1982, pp. 147–149. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. [New legislation on insolvency (bankruptcy)]. Aktual’nye problemy iuridicheskoi nauki i praktiki: Gatchinskie chteniia — 2015: sb. nauch. trudov po materialam Vseros. nauch.-prakt. konf. (g. Gatchina, 27 maia 2015 g.) [Actual problems of legal science and practice: Gatchina readings — 2015: the Collection of scientific works on materials of all-Russian scientific-practical conference (Gatchina, may 27, 2015)]. Gatchina, Publishing house GIFT, 2015, pp. 108–124. (in Russian)

Lebedev K. K. [On some questions of formation of the trade legislation]. Aktual’nye problemy nauki i praktiki kommercheskogo prava [Actual problems of science and practice of commercial law]. Vol. 6: collection of scientific articles. St. Petersburg state Univ.; eds. V. F. Popondopulo and D. V. Nefedov. Moscow, Volters Kluver Publ., 2007, pp. 33–44. (in Russian)

Lebedev K. K. [On the economic essence and legal nature of tax and tax law matters]. Aktual’nye problemy nauki i praktiki kommercheskogo prava: sb. nauch. trudov [Actual problems of science and practice of commercial law. Collection of scientific works]. Vol.3. St. Petersburg, Saint-Petersburg state University, faculty of law, 2000, pp. 69–76. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. [On the goals and forms of business activities]. Grazhdanskoe zakonodatel’stvo: Stat’i. Kommentarii. Praktika [Civil law: Articles. Comments. Practice]. Vol. 21. Almaty, “Yurist” Publ., 2004, pp. 66–79. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. [Payments and lending]. Kommercheskoe pravo: uchebnik. Ch.I [Commercial law. Tutorial I]. Eds. V.F.Popondopulo, V.F.Jakovleva. St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg University press, 1998, pp. 315–358. (in Russian)

Lebedev K. K. [Pledge as a way to secure loan obligations]. Innovatsii v formirovanii strategicheskogo vektora razvitiia fundamental’nykh i prikladnykh nauchnykh issledovanii, Mezhdunarodnaia konferentsiia 20–21 noiabria 2015 goda, Sankt-Peterburg [Innovation in shaping the strategic direction of development of fundamental and applied scientific researches, international conference November 20–21, 2015, Saint-Petersburg]. St. Petersburg, Publ. house “Kultinformpress” Publ., 2015, pp. 246–251. (in Russian)

Lebedev K. K. [Principles of business cooperation of enterprises and their consolidation in economic legislation]. Tezisy dokladov i soobshchenii na Vsesoiuznoi nauchnoi konferentsii “Sovershenstvovanie zakonodatel’stva o narodnom khoziaistve v usloviiakh intensifikatsii obshchestvennogo proizvodstva” (Moskva, 26–28 maia 1987 g.) [Theses of reports all-Union scientific conference “Improvement of legislation on the national economy in conditions of intensification of social production” (Moscow, may 26–28, 1987)]. Moscow, all-Union Institute of Soviet legislation, 1987, pp. 198–199. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. [Principles of business cooperation of enterprises and their consolidation in economic legislation]. Tezisy dokladov i soobshchenii na Vsesoiuznoi nauchnoi konferentsii “Sovershenstvovanie zakonodatel’stva o narodnom khoziaistve v usloviiakh intensifikatsii obshchestvennogo proizvodstva”. Moskva, 26–28 maia 1987 g. [Theses of reports and messages at the all-Union scientific conference “Improvement of legislation on the national economy in conditions of intensification of social production’, Moscow, 26–28 may 1987]. Moscow all-Union Institute of Soviet legislation, 1987, pp. 198–199. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. [Problems of protection of the rights of entrepreneurs in the commercial legal relations]. 10 let kafedre kommercheskogo prava. Aktual’nye problemy nauki i praktiki kommercheskogo prava: trudy konferentsii [10 years of the Department of commercial law. Actual problems of science and practice of commercial law. Proceedings of the conference]. St. Petersburg, 1995, pp. 82–86. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. [Problems of the economy mechanism. Review on the book: Economic mechanism at the present stage. Ed. by P.G.Bunich. Moscow, Publishing house “Economy”, 1980. 232 p.]. Khoziaistvo i pravo [Economy and law], 1981, no.8, pp. 95–96. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. [Procedure of financial rehabilitation and external management in case of bankruptcy under Russian law]. Novelly prava i politiki: sb. nauch. trudov po materialam Vseros. nauch.-prakt. konf. (g. Gatchina, 28 fevralia 2016 g.) [Stories of law and politics: collection of scientific works on materials of all-Russian scientific-practical conference (Gatchina, 28 Feb 2016)]. Gatchina, Publishing house GIFT, 2016, pp. 86–96. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. [Profit as a goal of entrepreneurial activity]. Pravovye problemy regulirovaniia ekonomicheskikh otnoshenii: materialy Mezhdunarodnogo nauchnogo kongressa “Problemy kachestva ekonomicheskogo rosta”, 27–28 maia 2004 g. Ch.4 [Problems of legal regulation of economic relations: proceedings of the International scientific Congress “Problems of quality of economic growth”, 27–28 may 2004, pt. 4]. Ed. by A.E.Pilecki. Samara, Publishing house of the Samara state economic Academy, 2004, pp. 158–165. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. [Protection of rights and legitimate interests of entrepreneurs]. Kommercheskoe pravo: v 2 ch.: uchebnik [Commercial law. In 2 vols: the Textbook]. Eds. V. F. Popondopulo, V. F. Jakovleva. Part 1. 3d ed., rev. and exp. Moscow, Yurist Publ., 2002, pp. 561–620. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. [Protection of the rights and interests of entrepreneurs]. Kommercheskoe pravo: ucheb. posobie [Commercial law. Textbook]. V. F. Popondopulo, D.V.Nefedov, V.S.Shishkin, etc., eds. V.F.Yakovleva, V.F.Popondopulo. St. Petersburg, St. Peterb. University press, 1993, pp. 113–133. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. [Protection of the rights and interests of entrepreneurs]. Kommercheskoe pravo: uchebnik. Ch. I [Commercial law. Tutorial I]. Eds. V.F. Popondopulo, V. F. Jakovlevoj. St. Petersburg, St. Peterb. University press, 1998, pp. 436–515. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. [Review on the book: Znamenskiy G.L.Improvement of economic legislation: the goal and the means. Kyiv, Publishing house “Naukova Dumka”, 1980. 187 p.]. Sovetskoe gosudarstvo i pravo [The Soviet state and law], 1981, no. 11, pp. 147– 148. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. [Revival of the concept of business and commercial law in contemporary Russia]. Nauchnye trudy. Rossiiskaia akademiia iuridicheskikh nauk [The scientific works. Russian Academy of legal Sciences]. Issue 4. In three volumes. Vol. 1. Moscow, Publishing group “Yurist” Publ., 2004, pp. 867–871; etc. (in Russian)

Lebedev K. K. [Rights and obligations of apartment owners and other residents he owns the premises of citizens (Chapter 5); Fee for housing and utilities (section VII); the commentary to the Federal law from December, 29th, 2004. N 189-FZ “About introduction in action of the Housing code of the Russian Federation”]. Kommentarii k Zhilishchnomu kodeksu Rossiiskoi Federatsii (postateinyi) [Commentary to the Housing code of the Russian Federation (itemized)]. O.A.Gorodov, A.K.Gubaeva, M.N.Dolgopolov et al.; ed. by O.A.Gorodov. 4th ed., rev. and exp. Moscow, Prospekt Publ., 2016, pp.69–144; 458–532; 576–621. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. [Settlement and credit legal relationship]. Sovetskoe grazhdanskoe pravo [Soviet civil law]. Eds. V. T. Smirnov, Yu. K. Tolstoy, A. K. Jurchenko. Vol. 2. Leningrad, Leningrad University press, 1982, pp. 230–257. (in Russian)

Lebedev K. K. [Some issues of interrelation of economy and law: a reflection of the interests of private capital, the legislation on business and other economic activities]. Aktual’nye problemy nauki i praktiki kommercheskogo prava [Actual problems of science and practice of commercial law]. Vol. 5: collection of scientific works. St. Petersburg state University, the faculty of law; Eds. V.F.Popondopulo and O.Skvortsov. Moscow, Volters Kluver Publ., 2005, pp. 73–92. (in Russian)

Lebedev K. K. [Some issues of interrelation of economy and law: a reflection of the interests of private capital, the legislation on business and other economic activities]. Aktual’nye problemy nauki i praktiki kommercheskogo prava [Actual problems of science and practice of commercial law], vol.5: Collection of scientific. Articles. St. Petersburg state University, faculty of Law; eds. V. F. Popondopulo and O. Skvortsov. Moscow, Volters Kluver Publ., 2005, pp. 73–92. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. [Some legal aspects of performance of contractual obligations undertaken by the anti-Russian economic sanctions]. Chetvertaia konferentsiia po vozdushnomu pravu: nauch.-prakt. konf. 23–24 oktiabria 2014 goda, Sankt-Peterburg: sb. dokladov [Fourth conference on air law. Scientific-practical conference, October 23–24, 2014, St. Petersburg: a Collection of papers]. University of civil aviation. St. Petersburg, 2014, pp. 52–54. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. [Some legal aspects of the economic crisis]. Novyi vektor razvitiia nauchnoi deiatel’nosti. Vyzovy i resheniia. 16–17 maia 2016 g. Sankt-Peterburg [New vector of development of scientific activity. Challenges and solutions. May 16–17, 2016 in Saint Petersburg]. St. Petersburg, Publishing house “Kultinformpress”. 2016, pp. 124–126. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. [Some of the legal aspects of electronic trading]. Sovremennye modeli razvitiia v aspekte globalizatsii: mirovoi opyt, rossiiskie realii, tendentsii i perspektivy v ekonomike, upravlenii proektami, pedagogike, prave, istorii, kul’turologii, iskusstvovedenii, iazykoznanii, zhurnalistike, prirodopol’zovanii, rastenievodstve, biologii, zoologii, khimii, politologii, psikhologii, demografii, meditsine, filologii, filosofii, sotsiologii, matematike, tekhnike, fizike, informatike, gradostroitel’stve: sb. nauch. statei po itogam Mezhdunarod. nauch.-prakt. konf. 14–15 avgusta 2015 g. Sankt-Peterburg [A Modern model of development in globalization: international experience, Russian realities, trends and prospects in the economy, project management, pedagogy, law, history, cultural studies, art history, linguistics, journalism, environmental management, crop production, biology, zoology, chemistry, political science, psychology, demography, medicine, philology, philosophy, sociology, mathematics, engineering, physics, computer science, urban planning. Collection of scientific articles in the International scientific- practical conference 14–15 Aug 2015 in Saint Petersburg]. St. Petersburg, Publ. house “Kultinformpress”. 2015, pp. 112–119. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. [State regulation and control of prices for goods (Chapter 14)]. Kommercheskoe (predprinimatel’skoe) pravo: uchebnik: v 2 t. [Commercial (business) law: textbook: in 2 vols.]. Ed. by V. F. Popondopulo. 5th ed. Rev. and exp. Vol. 1. Moscow, Prospect Publ., 2016, pp. 424–461. (in Russian)

Lebedev K. K. [Subject of commercial law and strengthening of civil protection of interests of citizens]. Okhrana i zashchita prav grazhdan i organizatsii v svete Konstitutsii SSSR. Uchenye zapiski Vil’niusskogo gosuniversiteta im. V.Kapsukasa. Seriia Pravo [Security and protection of the rights of citizens and organizations in light of the Constitution of the USSR. Proceedings of the Vilnius state University. V.Kapsukas. Series Right], vol. XVI, issue 2, 1981, pp. 16–22. (in Russian)

Lebedev K. K. [The 70th anniversary of A. A. Sobchak. Anatoly Sobchak as a scientist, a lawyer and political figure]. Pravovoe regulirovanie agrarnykh otnoshenii v Rossii, Ukraine, Belarusi, Kazakhstane, drugikh stranakh SNG i gosudarstvakh ES: sostoianie, problemy, puti sovershenstvovaniia: mezhdunarod. sb. nauch. trudov agrarnykh i iuridicheskikh vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenii Rossii, Ukrainy, Belarusi, Kazakhstana, drugikh stran SNG i gosudarstv ES.Rossiiskaia assotsiatsiia agrarnogo i prirodoresursnogo prava [Legal regulation of agrarian relations in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, other CIS countries and EU member States: state, problems, ways of improvement. The international collection of scientific works of the agricultural and legal higher educational institutions of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, other CIS countries and EU member States. Russian Association of agricultural and natural resources law]. Moscow. March, 2009, in 2 vols, vol. I, pp. 134–155. (in Russian)

Lebedev K. K. [The communicative essence of the right to entrepreneurial activity]. Prava cheloveka: voprosy istorii i teorii: materialy mezhvuz. nauch.-teoret. Konf. Sankt- Peterburg, 24 aprelia 2004 g. [Human Rights: issues of history and theory: proceedings of the interuniversity scientific-theoretical conference. Saint Petersburg, 24 April 2004]. Comp. E.V.Timoshina, N.A.Chekunov. Ed. by D.I.Lukovskaya. St. Petersburg, 2004, pp. 153–156. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. [The concept and content of economic law]. Pravosub”ektnost’ po grazhdanskomu i khoziaistvennomu pravu [The legal personality of civil and commercial law]

Lebedev K. K. [The contract for the international sale of goods (Chapter 3)]. Mezhdunarodnoe torgovoe pravo: ucheb. posobie [International trade law: textbook. Guide]. A. Yu. Bushev etc.; ed. by V. F. Popondopulo. Moscow, Omega-L Publ., 2005, pp. 77–152. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. [The Contract of sale]. Kommercheskoe pravo zarubezhnykh stran: uchebnik [Commercial law of foreign countries: the Textbook]. Ed. by V. F. Popondopulo. St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg University press, 2005, pp. 260–289. (in Russian)

Lebedev K. K. [The main directions of improvement of legal regulation of the busi- ness environment in Russia]. Nauchnye Trudy. Rossiiskaia akademiia iuridicheskikh nauk [The scientific works. Russian Academy of legal Sciences]. Issue 3. In 3 vols. Vol. 1. Moscow, Publishing group “Yurist”, 2003, pp. 730–742. (in Russian)

Lebedev K. K. [The obligation to pay value added tax]. Aktual’nye problemy nauki i praktiki kommercheskogo prava: sb. nauch. trudov [Actual problems of science and practice of commercial law. Collection of scientific works]. Vol. 4. St. Petersburg, Saint- Petersburg state University, faculty of Law. 2002, pp. 123–132. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. [The ratio of theory and practice in the teaching of business and commercial law]. Reforma Rossiiskogo iuridicheskogo obrazovaniia: sovremennyi etap: materialy Vseros. nauch.-metod. konf. [The Reform of Russian legal education: the contemporary stage. Materials of all-Russian scientific-methodical conference]. St. Pe- tersburg, Publishing house “Piter”, Law faculty Saint-Petersburg state University, 2002, pp. 87–90. (in Russian)

Lebedev K. K. [The Role of labor collectives in the solution of industrial and economic problems of communist construction]. Trudovoi kollektiv v politicheskoi sisteme razvitogo sotsializma (pravovoe issledovanie) [The labor collective in the political system of devel- oped socialism (legal research)]. Leningrad, 1983. P. 64–83. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. [The Subjects of cooperative law]. Kooperativnoe pravo: ucheb. Posobie [Cooperative law.Tutorial]. A.A. Sobchak, V.F. Yakovlev, V.S. Timeskova etc. Eds. A.A. Sobchak, V.F. Yakovleva, N.D. Egorov. St. Petersburg, St. Peterb. University press, 1992, pp. 33–97. (in Russian)

Lebedev K. K. [Working capital associations and enterprises as the object of financial relations]. Problemy khoziaistva i prava na sovremennom etape: mezhvuz. sb. nauch. trudov DVGU [Problems of economy and law. The interuniversity collection of scientific works. Far Eastern state University]. Vladivostok, 1985, pp. 92–99. (in Russian)

Lebedev K. K. Chetyre instantsii. Rabota praktikuiushchego iurista v arbitrazhnom sude v zashchitu interesov predprinimatelei na primere konkretnogo sudebno-arbitrazhnogo dela po vzyskaniiu zadolzhennosti za postavlennyi tovar. Iuridicheskii detektiv: monografiia [Four instances. The work of legal practitioner in arbitration court in protection of interests of entrepreneurs, for example, a particular litigation of the case on debt collection for delivered goods. Legal detective]. St. Petersburg, Publishing house TK “Petropolis” Publ., 1998. 304 p. (in Russian)

Lebedev K. K. Dogovornaia neustoika ne podlezhit umen’sheniiu [Contractual penalty is not subject to reduction]. Arbitrazhnye spory [Arbitration disputes], 1999, no. 2(6), pp. 119–124. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. Dostoianie Rossiiskoi tsivilistiki: kontseptual’naia i vsestoronniaia razrabotka problem obiazatel’stvennogo prava. Predislovie k knige [Domain of the Rus- sian civil law science: a conceptual and comprehensive development of contract law. Introduction to the book]. Ioffe O. S. Izbrannye Trudy: V 4 t. T. III. Obiazatel’stvennoe pravo [Selected works: In 4 vols. Vol. III. Law of obligations]. St. Petersburg, Publishing house “Legal center Press”, 2004. 837 p., pp. 13–45. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. Finansovoe ozdorovlenie kak sposob vosstanovleniia platezhespo- sobnosti dolzhnika i udovletvoreniia trebovanii kreditorov [Financial recovery as a way of restoring solvency of the debtor and the creditors]. Iurist i bukhgalter [Lawyer and accountant], 2003, no. 2(13), pp. 81–83. (in Russian)

Lebedev K. K. Gosudarstvennoe regulirovanie i kontrol’ tsen na tovary [State regulation and control of prices for goods]. Chapter 15 in the textbook: Commercial (business) law: textbook: in 2 vols. Vol.1. 4th ed., rev. and exp. Ed. by V.F.Popondopulo. Moscow, Prospect Publ., 2009, pp.410–444, Chapter 14 in the same textbook: 5th ed., rev. and exp. Moscow, Prospekt Publ., 2016, pp. 424–461. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. Imushchestvo i aktivy organizatsii v zakonodatel’stvakh grazhdan- skom i o bukhgalterskom uchete [The property and assets of the organization in the civil legislation and laws on accounting]. Iurist i bukhgalter [Lawyer and accountant], 2002, no. 3, pp. 53–55. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. Infliatsiia i tseny: pravovye aspekty [Inflation and rates: the legal aspects]. Rossiiskii ezhegodnik predprinimatel’skogo (kommercheskogo) prava [The Russian Yearbook business (commercial) law], no. 1. 2007. Ed. by Professor V. F. Popondopulo. St. Petersburg, LLC University publishing consortium “Law book”. 2008, pp. 314– 325. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. Informatsiia o proektakh federal’nykh zakonov dolzhna byt’ obshchedostupnoi [Information about the projects of Federal laws must be public]. Iuridicheskaia praktika [Law practice], 2000, no. 3, pp. 5–7. (in Russian)

Lebedev K. K. Initsiativa sub”ektov i reglamentatsiia ikh povedeniia po sovetskomu grazhdanskomu pravu. Avtoref. dis. kand. iurid. nauk [Initiative of the entities and the regulation of their behaviour on the Soviet civil law. The Thesis of PhD of law sciences]. Leningrad, 1972. 17 p. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. Initsiativa sub”ektov kak printsip sovetskogo grazhdanskogo prava [Initiative of subjects as the principle of Soviet civil law]. Pravovedenie, 1970, no.4, pp. 32–40. (in Russian)

Lebedev K. K. Iubilei Vladimira Konstantinovicha Andreeva [Anniversary of Vladimir Konstantinovich Andreyev]. Pravovedenie, 2009, no. 2, pp. 262–263. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. Iuridicheskaia priroda defolta i restrukturizatsiia dolgov [The Legal nature of the default and restructuring of debts]. [Pravovedenie], 2000, no. 5, pp. 141–153. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. K situatsii v sudoproizvodstve v Rossiiskoi Federatsii [The situation in legal proceedings in the Russian Federation]. Khoziaistvo i pravo v Vostochnoi Evrope [Economy and law in Eastern Europe], 1993, no. 7, pp. 217–220 (co-authored with lawyer R. Girgle). (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. K voprosu ob obosnovannosti i pravomernosti ocherednogo povysheniia stavok aktsizov na podaktsiznye tovary [To the question of the validity and legality of the next increase of rates of excises on excisable goods]. Iuridicheskaia praktika [Law practice], 2002, no. 3(30), pp. 123–130. (in Russian)

Lebedev K. K. Khoziaistvennoe zakonodatel’stvo v svete reshenii XXV s”ezda KPSS [Economic legislation in the light of the decisions of the XXV Congress of the CPSU]. Leningrad, Znanie Publ., 1978. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. Khrestomatiia po predprinimatel’skomu i kommercheskomu pravu: Obshchie polozheniia. Pravovoi status individual’nogo predprinimatelia [Readings in business and commercial law: General provisions. The legal status of individual entrepreneur]. St. Petersburg, Publishing house “Legal center Press”, 2001. 580 p. (in Russian)

Lebedev K. K. Kommentarii k glave 3 (st. 15, 16) i glave 9 (st. 39–47, 47. 1-52) Zakona ot 26 iiulia 2006 g. No 135-FZ “O zashchite konkurentsii” [Commentary to Chapter 3 (article 15, 16) and Chapter 9 (articles 39–47, 47. 1–52) of the Law of 26 July 2006 No 135-FZ “On protection of competition”]. Konkurentnoe pravo [Competition law], 2013, no.1, pp. 41–44; 2013, no. 4. pp. 38–46; 2014, no. 1, pp. 36–46 (see also in book: Kommentarii k Federal’nomu zakonu “O zashchite konkurentsii” [The commentary to the Federal law “On protection of competition”]. eds. V.F. Popondopulo, D.A. Petrov. Moscow, Norma, INFRA-M Publ., 2013, pp. 80–87, 231–291). (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. Kommentarii k stat’iam 21, 37–39 Zakona “O treteiskikh sudakh v Rossiiskoi Federatsii” [Commentary to articles 21, 37–39 of the Law “On arbitration courts in the Russian Federation”]. Treteiskii sud [The Arbitration court], 2003, no.2, pp. 24–25; no. 3, pp. 23–31. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. Kommercheskoe pravo: Praktikum: ucheb. posobie [Business law: Workshop, tutorial]. 3rd ed. Rev. and exp. St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg University Press, 2004. 488 p. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. Komu prinadlezhit univermag DLT (analiz sudebnykh protsessov, v kotorykh reshalas’ sud’ba izvestnogo peterburgskogo univermaga) [Who owns the Department store DLT (analysis of trials in which the fate of the famous St. Petersburg Department store was considered)]. Iuridicheskaia praktika [Law practice], 2000, no.4, pp. 121–143; 2001, no. 1, pp. 143–171; no. 2, pp. 68–100; no. 3, pp. 125–171; no. 4, pp. 50–138. (in Russian)

Lebedev K. K. Komu prinadlezhit univermag DLT [Who owns the Department store DLT]. Iuridicheskaia praktika [Law practice], 2002, no. 2(29), pp. 154–169. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. Mekhanizm realizatsii debitorskoi zadolzhennosti [Mechanism of realization of accounts receivable]. Khoziaistvo i pravo [Economy and law], 1999, no.7, pp. 22–31. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. Narushenie uslovii dogovora i sredstva sudebnoi zashchity pri narushenii dogovora. Glava 6 v kn.: Kontraktnoe pravo Rossii i Finliandii [Breach of contract and remedies for violation of the contract. Chapter 6. Contract law of Russia and Finland]. Olga Makarova, Vladimir Popondopulo, Soili, Nysten-Haarala et al. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing. AV Akademikerverlag GmbH and Co. KG/ Saarbrucken, 2013, pp. 139–163. (in Russian)

Lebedev K. K. Nekotorye aspekty primeneniia norm material’nogo i protsessual’nogo prava v sudebnoi praktike po grazhdanskim delam [Some aspects of application of norms of substantive and procedural law in the judicial practice in civil cases]. Zhurnal pravovykh i ekonomicheskikh issledovanii (g. Gatchina. Gosudarstvennyi institut ekonomiki, finansov, prava i tekhnologii) [Journal of legal and economic studies (Gatchina. State Institute of Economics, Finance, law and technology)], 2015, no. 4, pp. 39–46. (in Russian)

Lebedev K. K. Novoe v khoziaistvennom zakonodatel’stve SSSR [New in economic legislation of the USSR]. Leningrad, Znanie Publ., 1983. (in Russian)

Lebedev K. K. O grazhdansko-pravovykh sredstvakh zakrepleniia initsiativy sub”ektov [On the civil means of strengthening initiatives of constituent entities]. Pravovedenie, 1973, no. 4, pp. 34–41. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. O kommercheskom (torgovom) prave, proekte Torgovogo kodeksa RF, dogovore optovoi kupli-prodazhi i drugikh torgovykh dogovorakh (Retsenziia na knigi: Kommercheskoe pravo Rossii: ucheb.-metod. posobie / pod red. B.I Puginskogo. M.: Izd-vo Gorodets, 1999. 144 s. i Puginskii B.I.Kommercheskoe pravo Rossii. M.: Izd-vo Iurait, 2000. 314 s.) [On commercial (trade) law, the draft commercial code, the contract of wholesale purchase and sale and other commercial contracts (Review on the book: Commercial law of Russia: textbook/Under the editorship of Puginsky B. I. Moscow, Publishing house of Gorodets, 1999. 144 p. and Puginsky B. I. Commercial law in Russia. Moscow, Publishing house of Yurayt, 2000. 314 p.)]. Pravovedenie, 2000, no. 4, pp. 251– 255. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. O kommercheskom (torgovom) prave, proekte Torgovogo kodeksa RF, dogovore optovoi kupli-prodazhi i drugikh torgovykh dogovorov (Retsenziia na knigi: a) Kommercheskoe pravo Rossii: ucheb.-metod. posobie / pod red. B. I. Puginskogo. M.: Gorodets, 1999. 144 s.; b) Puginskii B. I. Kommercheskoe pravo Rossii. M.: Iurait, 2000. 314 s.) [Commercial (trade) law, the draft commercial code, the contract of wholesale purchase and sale and other commercial contracts (Review on the books: a) Commercial law of Russia: textbook/Under the editorship of B.I.Puginsky. Moscow, Gorodets Publ., 1999. 144 p.; b) Puginsky B.I.Commercial law in Russia. Moscow, Yurayt Publ., 2000. 314 p.)]. Pravovedenie, 2000, no. 4, pp. 251–255. (in Russian)

Lebedev K. K. O prave emitenta na izmenenie uslovii vypuska tsennykh bumag [On the right of the Issuer to change the terms of issue of the securities]. Zakon, 1997, no. 9. pp. 108–112. (in Russian)

Lebedev K. K. O roli pravovykh sredstv v pod”eme ekonomiki Rossii [On the role of remedies in the rise of the Russian economy]. Predprinimatel’skoe pravo [Business law], 2005, no. 4, pp. 30–32. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. O znachenii publikatsii materialov iuridicheskoi praktiki [On the meaning of the publication practice of law]. Iuridicheskaia praktika [Law practice], 2000, no. 1, pp. 5–6. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. Ob izdanii izbrannykh trudov Anatoliia Aleksandrovicha Sobchaka [About edition of selected works of Anatoly Alexandrovich Sobchak]. Pravovedenie, 2009, no. 4, pp. 246–248. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. Obespechenie i zashchita imushchestvennykh potrebnostei grazhdan — odno iz osnovnykh napravlenii gosudarstvennoi politiki i pravovogo regulirovaniia na sovremennom etape. K vykhodu v svet izbrannykh proizvedenii professora Nikolaia Alekseevicha Barinova [Security and protection of property interests of citizens is one of the main directions of the state policy and legal regulation on the modern stage. The publication of selected works of Professor Nicholay A. Barinov]. Pravovedenie, 2014, no. 1, pp. 239–251. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. Osnovaniia i poriadok uchastiia v sudebnom razbiratel’stve tret’ikh lits, ne zaiavliaiushchikh samostoiatel’nykh trebovanii na predmet spora (na materialakh sudebno-arbitrazhnoi praktiki) [Grounds and procedure for participation in the proceedings of third parties not independent claims on the subject of the dispute (on the materials of judicial practice)]. Arbitrazhnye spory [Arbitration disputes], 2015, no. 4, pp. 113–132. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. Osnovnye zadachi sovremennogo etapa razvitiia zakonodatel’stva o predprinimatel’skoi deiatel’nosti v svete 15-letiia so dnia priniatiia Zakona RSFSR “O predpriiatiiakh i predprinimatel’skoi deiatel’nosti” [The main tasks of the present stage of development of the legislation on entrepreneurship in the light of the 15th anniversary of the adoption of the Law of RSFSR “On enterprises and entrepreneurial activity”]. Predprinimatel’skoe pravo [Business law], 2006, no. 2, pp. 37–42; and in the book: Legal regulation of business activities in a market economy. Moscow, Publishing house “Yurist”, 2008, pp. 94–106. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. Osparivanie v sude reshenii obshchikh sobranii aktsionerov [Con- testing in court the decisions of general meetings of shareholders]. Zakon [Law], 1997, no. 5, pp. 99–103. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. [Place of law in the system of economic mechanism]. Povyshenie kachestva raboty na predpriiatiiakh tekstil’noi i legkoi promyshlennosti v usloviiakh sovershenstvovaniia khoziaistvennogo mekhanizma: mezhvuz. sb. nauch. trudov [Improve the quality of work at the enterprises of textile and light industry in terms of improvement of the economic mechanism. Interuniversity collection of scientific works]. Leningrad, 1981, pp. 137–138. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. Poniatie, pravovoi rezhim i mekhanizm realizatsii debitorskoi zad- olzhennosti [Concept, legal regime and mechanism for the implementation of accounts receivablem]. Khoziaistvo i pravo [Economy and law], 1999, no.4. pp.35–42. (in Russian)

Lebedev K. K. Poniatie, sostav i pravovoi rezhim kreditorskoi zadolzhennosti [Con- cept, composition and legal status of accounts payable]. Khoziaistvo i pravo [Economy and law], 1998, no. 11, pp. 30–37. (in Russian)

Lebedev K. K. Popravka A. A. Sobchaka ob ocherednosti udovletvoreniia trebovanii kreditorov pri likvidatsii iuridicheskogo litsa [Amendment of A. Sobchak on the sequence of satisfaction of requirements of creditors at liquidation of the legal entity]. Pravovedenie, 2008, no. 4, pp. 248–256. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. Postateinyi nauchno-prakticheskii kommentarii k Federal’nomu za- konu “O treteiskikh sudakh v Rossiiskoi Federatsii”, k st. 21 glavy V i st. 37–39 glavy VI [Itemized scientific and practical commentary to the Federal law “On arbitration courts in the Russian Federation”, article 21 главыV and article 37–39 of Chapter VI]. Treteiskii sud. Kommentarii zakonodatel’stva. Biblioteka zhurnala “Treteiskii sud” [The court of arbitration. Review of the legislation. Library journal “Arbitration court”], vol.1, 2004, pp. 66–68, 118–126. (in Russian)

Lebedev K. K. Postateinyi nauchno-prakticheskii Kommentarii k Federal’nomu zakonu “O treteiskikh sudakh v Rossiiskoi Federatsii” (kommentarii k stat’iam 21, 37, 38, i 39) [Itemized scientific and practical Commentary to the Federal law “On arbitration courts in the Russian Federation” (commentary to articles 21, 37, 38 and 39)]. Treteiskii sud [Arbitration court], 2003, no. 2(26), pp. 24–25, no. 3(27), pp. 23–31. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. Postateinyi nauchno-prakticheskii kommentarii k Federal’nomu za- konu “O treteiskikh sudakh v Rossiiskoi Federatsii”, st. 21 glavy V, st. st. 37–39 glavy VI [Itemized scientific and practical commentary to the Federal law “On arbitration courts in the Russian Federation”, article 21 of Chapter V, articles 37 to 39 of Chapter VI]. Treteiskii sud. Kommentarii zakonodatel’stva. Biblioteka zhurnala “Treteiskii sud” [The court of arbitration. Review of the legislation. Library journal “Arbitration court”], vol.1, 2004, pp. 66–68, 118–126. (in Russian)

Lebedev K. K. Prakticheskaia prorabotka voprosov dogovornogo prava (Retsenziia na knigu: Zavidov B.D.Dogovornoe pravo Rossii. M.: Izd-vo IPK “Liga Razum”, 1998. 528 s.) [Practical study of issues of contract law (Review on the book: Zavidov B. D. Con- tract law of Russia. Moscow. Publishing house IPK “League of Reason”, 1998. 528 p.]. Pravovedenie, 1999, no. 2, pp. 261–264. (in Russian)

Lebedev K. K. Prakticheskaia prorabotka voprosov dogovornogo prava (Retsenziia na knigu: Zavidov B.D. Dogovornoe pravo Rossii. M.: Izd-vo IPK “Liga Razum”, 1998. 528 s. [Practical study of issues of contract law (Review on the book: Zavidov B. D. Contract law of Russia. Moscow Publ. house IPK “League of Reason”, 1998. 528 p.]. [Pravovedenie], 1999, no. 2, pp. 261–264. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. Praktikum po kommercheskomu pravu: ucheb.-metod. i prakt. posobie [Workshop on commercial law: Teaching and practical guide]. St. Petersburg, The publication of a Special faculty for retraining specialists in legal Sciences Saint-Petersburg state University, 1999. 424 p. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. Praktikum po kommercheskomu pravu: ucheb.-metod. posobie [Workshop on commercial law: textbook]. St. Petersburg, Publishing house “Maket”, 1995. 168 p. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. Pravovoe obsluzhivanie biznesa (korporativnyi iurist): ucheb.-prakt. posobie [Legal services business (corporate lawyer): Training manual]. Moscow, Yurist Publ., 2001. 475 p. (author text — 308p.). (in Russian)

Lebedev K. K. Pravovoe znachenie struktury dogovornoi tseny [Legal meaning of the structure of the contract price]. Kommercheskoe pravo. Nauchno-prakticheskii zhurnal [Commercial law. Scientific-practical journal], 2012, no. 1(10), pp. 21–23. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. Pravovoi mekhanizm rynochnoi ekonomiki na nachal’nom etape osushchestvleniia reform [Legal mechanism of a market economy at the initial stage of implementation reforms]. Codeinfo, 2002, no. 1–2, pp. 32–16. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. Pravovye aspekty khoziaistvennogo mekhanizma [Legal aspects of the economic mechanism]. Leningrad, Publishing house “Znanie”, 1988. 31 p. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. Predprinimatel’skie obiazatel’stva i dogovory v svete obshchego ucheniia ob obiazatel’stvakh i dogovorakh v rossiiskom prave [Business commitments and treaties in light of the General doctrine about obligations and contracts in Russian law]. Wybitni polscy I rosyjscy cywilisci. Redakcija naukowa: Leopold Moskwa. Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, Poznan, 2015, pp. 493–519. (in Russian)

Lebedev K. K. Predprinimatel’skoe i kommercheskoe pravo: poniatie i sistema [Business and commercial law: concept and system]. Kodes-info, 2002, november / december, pp. 76–87. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. Predprinimatel’skoe i kommercheskoe pravo: sistemnye aspekty (predprinimatel’skoe i kommercheskoe pravo v sisteme prava i zakonodatel’stva, sisteme iuridicheskikh nauk i uchebnykh distsiplin) [Business and commercial law: system aspects (business and commercial law in the system of law and legislation, legal science and academic disciplines)]. St. Petersburg, Publishing house “Legal centre Press”, 2002. 318 p. (in Russian)

Lebedev K. K. Predprinimatel’skoe pravo kak pravo rynochnoi ekonomiki (Retsenziia na knigu: Predprinimatel’skoe pravo Rossiiskoi Federatsii / otv. red. E. P. Gubin, P. G. Lakhno. M.: Iurist”, 2003. 1001 s.) [Entrepreneurial law as the law of the market economy (Review on the book: Business law of the Russian Federation / ed. ed. E.P.Gubin, P.G.Lakhno. Moscow, Yurist Publ., 2003. 1001 p.)]. Pravovedenie, 2003, no. 5, pp. 258–261. (in Russian)

Lebedev K. K. Predprinimatel’skoe pravo kak pravo rynochnoi ekonomiki (Retsenziia na kn.: Predprinimatel’skoe pravo Rossiiskoi Federatsii / otv. red. E. P. Gubin, P. G. Lakhno. M.: Iurist”, 2003. 1001 s.) [Entrepreneurial law as the law of the market economy (Review on the book.: Business law of the Russian Federation / ed. edition of E. P. Gubin, P. G. Lakhno. Moscow, Yurist Publ., 2003. 1001 p.)]. Pravovedenie, 2003, no. 5, pp. 258– 261. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. Pretsedentnoe znachenie sudebnykh aktov [Precedential value of judicial acts]. Iuridicheskaia praktika [Law practice], 2000, no. 4, pp. 5–6. (in Russian)

Lebedev K. K. Problema pravomernosti vypuska dopolnitel’nykh aktsii obshchestva, v otnoshenii kotorogo provoditsia protsedura vneshnego upravleniia: material’no-pravovye i protsessual’no-pravovye aspekty [Problem of the legality of the issuance of additional shares under the procedure of external administration: substantive and procedural-legal aspects]. Kodeks-info [Code-info], 2000, no. 13, pp. 10–17. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. Raschety s uchastiem tret’ikh lits (v soavtorstve s A.A.Stepanovoi i K.P.Fedorovym) [Payments to the third party (co-authored with A.A.Stepanova and K. P. Fedorov)]. Ezhemesiachnyi bibliograficheskii ukazatel’ VINITI “Deponirovannye nauchnye raboty” [Monthly bibliographic index of VINITI “Deposited scientific works”], 1989, no. 5(211), p. 110. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. Razvitie zakonodatel’stva o kratkosrochnom i dolgosrochnom kreditovanii sotsialisticheskikh khoziaistvennykh organizatsii v SSSR [Development of legislation on short-and long-term crediting of the socialist economic organizations in the USSR]. Khoziaistvennoe pravo [Economic right], 1975, no. 45 (the journal was published in East Germany in the German language). (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. Realizatsiia debitorskoi zadolzhennosti s publichnykh torgov [Sale of accounts receivable with the public auction]. Zakon [Law], 1999, no.4, pp.113–119. (in Russian)

Lebedev K. K. Retsenziia na knigu Iu. Kh. Kalmykova “Khoziaistvennyi raschet i grazhdanskoe pravo” Saratov, 1969 [Review on the book by Y.K.Kalmykov “Economic calculation and civil law”, Saratov, 1969]. Pravovedenie, 1970, no.5, pp.107–111. (in Russian)

Lebedev K. K. Retsenziia na knigu: Diuriagin I. Ia. Pravo i upravlenie. M., 1981 [Review on the book: Dyuryagin and management. Moscow, 1981]. Vestnik of Leningrad state University, series: Economics, philosophy, law, 1983, vol.3, no.17, pp.97–98. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. Retsenziia na knigu: Iakovleva V.F.Spetsializatsiia i kooperirovanie promyshlennosti. Pravovye voprosy. M., 1974 [Review on the book by V.F.Yakovleva “Specialization and cooperation of industry. Legal issues”. Moscow, Publishing house “Legal literature”, 1974]. Khoziaistvennoe pravo [Commercial law], 1976, no.1 (in collaboration with Professor E. Girlich). (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. Retsenziia na knigu: Mamutov V.K.Sovershenstvovanie pravovogo regulirovaniia khoziaistvennoi deiatel’nosti (metodologiia, napravleniia). Kiev, 1982. 238 s. [Review on the book: Mamutov V. K. Improvement of legal regulation of economic activity (methodology, direction). Kiev, 1982. 238 p.]. Pravovedenie, 1983, no. 3, pp. 110–112. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. Sootnoshenie chistykh aktivov i razmera ustavnogo kapitala kommercheskoi organizatsii [Ratio of net assets and the authorised capital of the commercial organization]. Iurist i bukhgalter [Lawyer and accountant], 2002, no.4, pp. 47–49. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. Sovershenstvovanie protsedury treteiskogo razbiratel’stva na sovremennom etape [Improvement of arbitration procedures at the present stage]. Treteiskii sud [Arbitration court], 2002, no. 3/4, pp. 210–216. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. Status pravovoi normy. Esse pervoe: Pravila strakhovaniia predprinimatel’skogo riska [The Status of legal norm. Essay the first: the Rules of insurance of entrepreneurial risk]. Vestnik Samarskoi gosudarstvennoi ekonomicheskoi akademii. Spetsial’nyi vypusk: Aktual’nye problemy pravovedeniia [Vestnik of Samara state economic Academy. Special issue: Current problems of jurisprudence], 2005, no. 1(10), pp. 138–145. (in Russian)

Lebedev K. K. Vneshnee upravlenie kak sposob vosstanovleniia platezhesposobnosti dolzhnika [External control as a way of restoring solvency of the debtor]. Iurist i bukhgalter [Lawyer and accountant], 2004, no. 1(14), pp. 86–89. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. Vopros o vozmozhnosti obzhalovaniia postanovleniia arbitrazhnogo suda kassatsionnoi instantsii, v kotorom soderzhitsia novoe reshenie po delu [The possibility of appealing against the decision of the arbitration court of cassation instance, which contains a new solution in the case]. Iuridicheskaia praktika [Law practice], 2000, no. 3, pp. 15–17. (in Russian)

Lebedev K. K. Vstrechnyi isk kak sposob provedeniia zacheta v sporakh o vzyskanii zadolzhennosti po denezhnym obiazatel’stvam [Counter-claim as a way of offsetting in disputes on recovery of debts on monetary obligations]. Arbitrazhnye spory [Arbitration disputes], 2014, no. 3(67), pp. 147–158. (in Russian)

Lebedev K. K. Vydaiushchiisia rossiiskii tsivilist O. S. Ioffe (k 90-letiiu so dnia rozhdeniia) [Outstanding Russian jurist O. S. Ioffe (to the 90th anniversary from the birthday)]. Rossiiskii ezhegodnik predprinimatel’skogo (kommercheskogo) prava [The Russian Yearbook business (commercial) law], no.4, 2010. Ed. V.F.Popondopulo. St. Petersburg. LLC “University publishing consortium “Law book”, 2011, pp.735–743. (in Russian)

Lebedev K.K. Vydaiushchiisia teoretik grazhdanskogo prava. K 95-letiiu so dnia rozhdeniia O.S.Ioffe [The outstanding theoretician of civil law. The 95th anniversary of the birth of O.S.Ioffe]. Wybitni polscy I rosyjscy cywilisci. Redakcja naukowa: Leopold Moskwa. Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, Poznan, 2015, pp. 1



How to Cite

Nefyodov , D. V. (2016). Scholar, teacher, legal practitioner: to the 75th anniversary of Konstantin Konstantinovich Lebedev. Pravovedenie, 60(5), 156–212. Retrieved from


