Scholar, teacher, legal practitioner: to the 75th anniversary of Konstantin Konstantinovich Lebedev
The article provides an analytical overview of the main areas of scientific and practical activity of the well-known St. Petersburg scientist and lawyer K. K. Lebedev who has been working at the law faculty of the St. Petersburg State University for over 45 years. The article describes his works on various aspects of civil and business (commercial) law which have been published during these years. The author of the article emphasizes Lebedev’s contribution to the development of business and commercial law as a science in the modern Russia. K. K. Lebedev was one of the first legal scholars in the domestic jurisprudence at the modern historical stage who justified the delimitation of business (commercial) law not only from the related branches (civil, administrative law), but also from the economic and legal concepts adopted in the Soviet period of the legal science development in Russia. In the works of K. K. Lebedev, business law is viewed as a set of legal institutes facilitating the business activity. It is also viewed from the perspective of the system of law and the system of legislation, a branch of the legal science and an academic discipline. At the same time, versatility is typical for K. K. Lebedev as a scientist and an author; the range of his interests is very wide. The article describes certain areas of K. K. Lebedev’s research, such as legal aspects of economic development, monitoring of the current legislation and law enforcement practice. The author of the article emphasizes the huge contribution of K. K. Lebedev in academic substantiation of including the discipline «Business (commercial) law» in the curriculum for academic bachelor and master programmes. K. K. Lebedev is a constant co-author of the textbooks which are developed at the Department of Commercial Law of the St. Petersburg State University. He delivers lectures, conducts practical lessons in the basic course of commercial law, and supervises writing of final qualification works. K. K. Lebedev has developed and for several years has been successfully teaching a special course for master students «Legal Support and Protection of Entrepreneurs’ Rights». Under the supervision of K. K. Lebedev, postgraduate students defend doctoral theses on urgent problems of the science of business and commercial law.
K. K. Lebedev, scientific, teasching and practical activity, study of legislation and practice of its application, issues of legal regulation of entrepreneurial activity and economic relations, concept of business law
Lebedev K. K. O grazhdansko-pravovykh sredstvakh zakrepleniia initsiativy sub”ektov [On the civil means of strengthening initiatives of constituent entities]. Pravovedenie, 1973, no. 4, pp. 34–41. (in Russian)
Lebedev K.K. Poniatie, pravovoi rezhim i mekhanizm realizatsii debitorskoi zad- olzhennosti [Concept, legal regime and mechanism for the implementation of accounts receivablem]. Khoziaistvo i pravo [Economy and law], 1999, no.4. pp.35–42. (in Russian)
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