S. F. Udartsev “Constitution and Evolution of the Society (Issues of the Theory and Philosophy of Law)”. St. Petersburg: University Publishing Consortium, 2015. 388 p.


  • Yerbol Musinovich Abaideldinov Eurasian National University, the Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana


The review of professor S. F. Udartsev’s monograph reveals the novelty and relevance, comprehensiveness and validity of the conducted research. The review evaluates the author’s contribution to the analysis of philosophical and legal, theoretical and historical issues of searching for legal foundations in history, formation, and evolution of the constitution in the development of the society and the state, taking into account internal and external factors, their relations, as well as the experience of the constitutional development in different countries. The wide comparative legal material is used. The author refers to the opinion of political and legal philosophers, legal scholars, both theorists and constitutionalists, and political scientists in order to analyze the described issues. It is noted that the content and approach in all sections of book is novel. The author convincingly shows that invention of constitutions was not accidental and that for thousands of years the human mind had been searching for a means of stabilization and targeted development of the legislation, for the creation of a kind of an axis around which the legislation would develop. The scientist considers such options of creating an analogy to the legal foundations in the ancient world. Attention is drawn to the fact that the monograph analyzes the main factors affecting the constitutional development. Particular attention is paid to the role of economic and political aspects, interaction between them, on the one hand, and the constitution and legal policy, on the other hand; the connection between the constitution and legislation, on the one hand, and the public consciousness and legal culture, on the other hand; the author raises such issues as the correlation between the constitution and the evolving potential of the state and the dynamics of democratization and dedemocratization. It is concluded that the work submitted for the review which consists of 9 sections is a quite comprehensive one and presents a coherent scientific picture that gives a soundlybased vision of the author as regards the role and importance of the constitution for a modern state and society. There are some key statements and conclusions on the number of issues discussed in the monograph. 


law, state, constitution, legislation, reform, policy, development, democratization, legal life of the society


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Author Biography

Yerbol Musinovich Abaideldinov , Eurasian National University, the Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana

Doctor of Juridical Science, Professor



How to Cite

Abaideldinov , Y. M. (2016). S. F. Udartsev “Constitution and Evolution of the Society (Issues of the Theory and Philosophy of Law)”. St. Petersburg: University Publishing Consortium, 2015. 388 p . Pravovedenie, 60(4), 163–168. Retrieved from https://pravovedenie.spbu.ru/article/view/6997


