Is the legal reality real?


  • Aleksey V. Stovba The Yaroslav The Wise National Law University (Kharkiv, Ukraine)


This article reviews the concept of the famous Ukrainian legal philosopher, professor, doctor of legal sciences, associate member of the Ukrainian Academy of Legal Sciences, Sergiy Ivanovich Maxymov who has reached the age of 60 in 2016. He is one of the leading representatives of the philosophy of law and legal theory in the former Soviet Union. He became famous for elaboration of his own original concept of the legal reality. By comprehensive understanding of law as a legal reality, the Ukrainian legal scientist represents the world of law as a complex phenomenon integrated not only within the social world, but also within the whole range of the interpersonal relations. Such integration is achieved through extracting static and dynamic components within the structure of the legal reality. In its turn, the static component is divided into the positive law and the natural law, while the dynamic component includes such elements as the idea of law, a statute, and the legal life. S. I. Maxymov finds it necessary to pay attention to the fact that the problem of law existence is not just a number of platitudes and selfevident truths. On the contrary, the issue of the “legal” (rather than moral, economic, authoritative) character of the law is one of the deepest philosophical and legal problems. According to S. I. Maxymov, it is closely connected with the problem of understanding of human existence. Thus, the concept of the Ukrainian philosopher is close to the legal existentialism and legal phenomenology in terms of its methodological and general philosophical aspects.


law, legal reality, legal philosophy, statute, legal life


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Author Biography

Aleksey V. Stovba, The Yaroslav The Wise National Law University (Kharkiv, Ukraine)

candidate of legal sciences, doctoral student of the Department of Philosophy


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How to Cite

Stovba, A. V. . (2016). Is the legal reality real?. Pravovedenie, 60(4), 145–154. Retrieved from


