Criminal law guarantees in the mechanism of criminal law influence
The article is devoted to such insufficiently studied phenomenon as criminal law guarantees. They are regarded as an integral part of the mechanism of criminal law influence. Given the content of the terms “legal regulation” and “legal influence”, the author comes to the conclusion that criminal law influence has a special field character, i.e. it is carried out through criminal legal rules and the criminal legal relationships in their pure form and other (through the norms of other branches of law and other social norms and relations, as well as through legal consciousness) impact of the criminal law on social relations. The criminal law influence is interpreted as a whole system of the criminal law impact on social relations which includes three components: 1) criminal legal rules and criminal law relations; 2) the related legal and other social norms and relations; 3) reflection of criminal legal rules and criminal law relations in the consciousness of legislators, law enforcement officials and citizens (legal consciousness). The author states the distinction in criminal law influence and criminal law regulation in terms of objects, subjects, elements (structure) and content. Criminal law guarantees in the mechanism of criminal law influence are interpreted as a kind of criminal legal rules. The author makes the conclusion that the criminal law guarantees are mandatory provisions which, acting within the legitimacy regime (and, if necessary, in the absence of objections of the person who committed the criminal act), ensure that the person is hold harmless from the criminal liability or is released of liability and (or) punishment or that it is impossible to impose certain types of punishment or other measures of criminal law nature. These rules perform the task of limiting the punitive, repressive component of the criminal law within the mechanism of the criminal law influence; they are auxiliary rules that do not form a criminal law institute.
criminal law influence, criminal law regulation, criminal law guarantees, mandatory rules, auxiliary rules
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