The state as a legal concept


  • Nikolai Victorovich Razuvaev North-West Institute of Management of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration


In the article, a theoretical category of the state in the context of post-classical paradigm is discussed. According to the author, the most important feature of the post-classical approach regarding to the social and human cognition is a re-orientation of all the phenomena of reality to the person as an organizing center, around which reality is built; so reality is organized from the point of view of perceptive and cognitive person. This fact gives us opportunity to consider the external phenomena of the world (both natural and social) as the results of constructive activity of human mind. Thus, the objects of the external world perceived as phenomena constructed during the intentional perception of the person. This approach received its implementation not only in the humanities, but also in mathematics, in which a constructivist approach was spread at the beginning of the last century, and also in physics, in the framework of quantum mechanics. Constructivist paradigm is also developed in linguistics and other humanities. This article can be regarded as an attempt to apply the basic methods of post-classical science to the theory of the state. The author’s concept suggests that the state is a structure created by members of the society in the process of their social interactions. In order to research the phenomenon of the state a semiotic approach is used, according to which the state is a symbolic model, includes three aspects: semantic, syntactic and pragmatic; the article reveals all three of these aspects. Guided by the proposed idea, the author researches the phenomenon of the state not only in the synchronous (static), but also in the diachronic (dynamic) dimension, highlighting the main stages of the evolution of the state and researching the laws determine its evolutionary development.


post-classical paradigm, social constructivism, constructivist mathematics, Cartesian linguistics, semiotics, semantics, syntactic, pragmatics, the state, the traditional state, the pro-modern state, the modern state, postmodern state


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Author Biography

Nikolai Victorovich Razuvaev , North-West Institute of Management of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration

candidate of legal sciences, professor


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How to Cite

Razuvaev , N. V. (2016). The state as a legal concept. Pravovedenie, 60(2), 110–121. Retrieved from



Concept of law