An essay on the history of Leon Petrażycki’s family


  • Aleksejs Petrazickis University of Belgrade


This paper is devoted to the biography of Leon Petrażycki in the context of a family history. Based on the archival documents, the Petrażycki’s family origins from David in the 16th century is identified and, in particular, the origins of that branch of the family to which Leon belongs, from Alexander Petrażycki (ca. 1630–1696). Besides Leon himself, attention is paid to his parents, sisters, brother, and wife. The private family life is shown in the general context of historical events in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Russia and Poland. The impact of the Polish Uprising in 1863 n Leon’s parents is shown. The articles describes Leon’s childhood spent in Ledniewicze estate, studies in the Vitebsk gymnasium and the Kiev University, studies abroad, including participation in the seminar of prof. H. Dernburg and visiting European universities. Professor Petrażycki’s participation in the political and society life is shown, mainly the election to the 1st State Duma, his support of the movement for women equality, and the signing of the Vyborg appeal. Leon’s testament demonstrates his care about his family members. His purchase of a land lot in Petrograd is described. It is shown how the revolutionary events of 1917 destroyed his plans and forced him to leave Russia for Poland. Leon’s letter to his student P. A. Sorokin demonstrates how difficult it was for him to continue scientific work due to the loss of his manuscripts. 


Petrażycki’s family history, coat of arms Pielesz, Kiev St. Vladimir University, University of Sankt-Petersburg, 1st State Duma, Vyborg appeal, testament of prof. Petrażycki, L. Petrażycki


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Author Biography

Aleksejs Petrazickis, University of Belgrade

Ph. D., Dr. Sc. Ing.; Information Technology Advisor (Toronto, Canada)


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How to Cite

Petrazickis, A. . (2017). An essay on the history of Leon Petrażycki’s family. Pravovedenie, 61(2), 198–212. Retrieved from




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