Sociological and legal aspects of the communicative approach


  • Aleksandr B. Lepeshko Brest State University named after A. S. Pushkin (Republic of Belarus, Brest)


The article describes heuristic possibilities of the communicative approach in the context of social and legal knowledge. The author substantiates the thesis according to which law is connected with the real life process and real social achievements and always has priority over speculative constructions of any kind, including legal structures. The article reveals the shortcomings (limitations) of the sociological approach to law and justifies the theoretical background of the integrative knowledge. Attention is paid to the autopoietical approach to law which is qualified as a “law of the globalized society” (A. Polyakov). It is stressed that the main characteristics of law relate to the interdisciplinary approach, to the new understanding of the nature of the society and to the new sociological tools of law enforcement in the modern society. The connection of such categories as “synergy”, “phenomenology”, and “communication” is emphasized in terms of the sociological and legal knowledge. The author studies theoretical foundations of the communicative methodology in the process of improving legislation and justifies its importance in the theoretical and practical activity of legal scientists. Certain controversial ideas are examined based on the analysis of the contemporary Russian and Belarusian legal literature. The author states those heuristic possibilities that can be used in the research and legislative processes in the framework of the new (communicative) epistemological tools. Correlation between the dominant paradigm of knowledge and basic value systems is traced within the axiological perspective, the place of the communicative approach in the hierarchy is determined. The conclusion is made that the communicative approach requires a systematic understanding of methodological and other problems and can be adequately addressed only within the framework of “integral knowledge” in a systematic way.


autopoietical approach, communicative approach, methodology of law, synergetics, sociology of law, phenomenological theory


Author Biography

Aleksandr B. Lepeshko, Brest State University named after A. S. Pushkin (Republic of Belarus, Brest)

lecturer of the Department of Civil Law of the Law Faculty


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How to Cite

Lepeshko, . A. B. . (2017). Sociological and legal aspects of the communicative approach. Pravovedenie, 61(2), 92–106. Retrieved from



Concept of law