Russian natural law thought and policy: certain aspects of correlation


  • Alexander S. Kunitsin Department of State and Legal Disciplines, Kursk Branch of the Moscow Institute of Public Administration and Law


Analyzing the scientific heritage of the representatives of Russian natural law thought, the article reveals their experience of developing different aspects of the policy of law as a separate branch of the legal science that should criticize the applicable law and construct the perfect law system. The author describes the main points of view connected understanding of the policy of law and certain approaches to study this phenomenon. The article examines the contribution of prominent Russian legal scientists, representatives of natural law thought in support of the necessity and feasibility of the policy of law science, analyzing its theoretical and methodological basics, defining its nature, content, social purpose and place of the policy law science within the system of legal sciences, establishing its connection with the provisions of natural law theory. The author notes the merit of the representatives of the Russian classical legal science in the development of a so-called critical method which enables to evaluate the law from the perspective of its conformity with the needs of the given society, to set benchmarks and ways of changing the legal order. The article concludes that the social purpose of the policy of law was seen by the Russian legal scientists in the fact that it should specify goals and direction for the law making, to act as a mentor of legislators. There is a link between the ideas of the policy of law and ideal representations about the due that have been developed by the natural law theory. It is outlined that, according to its developers, the policy of law could not do without the natural law idea because it can con exist without evaluations, and only the idea of justice, i. e. a natural law idea, may be a criterion for such evaluations. The article draws attention to the importance of studying the Russian legal heritage in order to conduct current research programmes in the sphere of legal policy. 


natural law, Russian natural law thought, policy of law, due, thing in existence, critical method


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Author Biography

Alexander S. Kunitsin, Department of State and Legal Disciplines, Kursk Branch of the Moscow Institute of Public Administration and Law

candidate of historical sciences, associate professor


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How to Cite

Kunitsin, A. S. . (2017). Russian natural law thought and policy: certain aspects of correlation. Pravovedenie, 61(1), 186–204. Retrieved from


