Spiritual and cultural aspects of development of the state and legal system of Tajikistan: formulation of the question


  • Akmal R. Nematov Institute of Philosophy, Political Sciences and Law of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan


Culture and spirituality of the society are a very delicate question; they increase considerably if they are connected with the state and legal development of the society. The present article is focused on the idea that the foundations of the secular essence of the modern Tajik state based on recovery and development of its cultural and spiritual values shall remain. The modern political, economic, cultural and spiritual events occurring in the world threaten the secular essence of eastern states and contribute to the destruction of their national code. On the one hand, total borrowing of western liberal ideas and values many of which are in conflict with the culture and traditions of the eastern people can lead to shattering of foundations of the secular statehood. On the other hand, values and ideas alien to the Tajik people are being imported from the East and implemented, and there is a strong tendency towards islamization of the society. Nowadays the Tajik people having a rich culture and an ancient history see the only way, that is to build the state and legal life on the basis of their own cultural values which will help them to maintain the secular foundations of their state and national identity. As a result, there are there are more questions than answers in the study of cultural and spiritual aspects of the Tajik state and law system development. First of all, these questions are of cultural and spiritual nature. Within this chain, the central question is how to pursue the legal policy as efficiently as possible taking into account a cultural component, while preserving and strengthening the secular essence of the state with the religion being the center of the spiritual life of the Central Asian people? The scientists should find the most acceptable solutions and answers to these and other questions.


culture, spiritual life, state and law system, secular state, globalization, tradition and customs, eastern culture, Tajikistan


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Author Biography

Akmal R. Nematov, Institute of Philosophy, Political Sciences and Law of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan

doctor of legal sciences, associate professor, head of the Department of Theoretical Problems of the Modern State and Law


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How to Cite

Nematov, A. R. . (2017). Spiritual and cultural aspects of development of the state and legal system of Tajikistan: formulation of the question. Pravovedenie, 61(1), 174–185. Retrieved from https://pravovedenie.spbu.ru/article/view/6721


