Problems of the marriage law of the orthodox church


  • Andrei A. Ferens-Sorotckii Department of Civil Procedure of the Law Faculty, St. Petersburg State University


This article deals with the problems of the concept of marriage and legal conditions of marriage in the orthodox canon (church) law. These questions are viewed from a historical angle. The author also analyses the modern problems of church marriage law in this area. In particular, the article examines the following issues: the attitude of the Cristian church to the Cristian marriage, homosexual union and gender reassignment; flaws of the will, threat, delusion and coercion as the grounds for invalidity of a marriage; impotence and sterilization as the grounds for invalidity of a marriage; upper and lower age boundaries, as well as a large age difference as the grounds for invalidity of a marriage; the number of contracted marriages as the grounds for invalidity of a marriage, the problem of marriage counting, secular and de facto marriages as a problem of the canon law; the problem of the clergy bigamy and matrimonial episcopate in the history of the Church; mixed interfaith marriages in the orthodox canon law; blood relations and in-law relations as conditions for entering into a church marriage; parents’ consent as the condition for the validity of the orthodox church marriage. Moreover, the author considers the matrimony procedure and the problems of canon recognition of invalidity of the marriage. While studying the above questions, the author compares the settlement of identical problems in the catholic and orthodox church law. The article emphasizes different approaches to the grounds for invalidity of a marriage in the orthodox church law and in the modern Russian law on domestic relations. Based on the analysis, the author predicts collision of the secular and the church law enforcement and proposes the ways to improve the regulation of issues connected with recognition of invalidity of a marriage in the orthodox canon law.


orthodox marriage, conditions to contract the marriage in the Orthodoxy, orthodox marriage law, catholic marriage law, recognition of invalidity of a marriage in the Orthodoxy, canon law, church law


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Author Biography

Andrei A. Ferens-Sorotckii, Department of Civil Procedure of the Law Faculty, St. Petersburg State University

candidate of legal sciences, associate professor


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How to Cite

Ferens-Sorotckii, A. A. . (2017). Problems of the marriage law of the orthodox church. Pravovedenie, 61(1), 94–117. Retrieved from



Private law