Legal education in the globalizing society


  • Aleksandr V. Malko Saratov Branch of the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Aleksey Yu. Salomatin Penza State University; International Academy of Comparative Law


The process of post-modernization and globalization influences all spheres of life, including education. The main challenges it faces include internationalization of education and search for optimal educational technologies. Despite many educational trips to foreign countries and universities, joint international training programmes, comparative law is the best and the most rational way to get acquainted with the foreign legal life. This mega-discipline may influence different subjects taught in legal schools, being the core of the legal education. Other educational innovations are connected with such new hybrid profiles of professional training (across law and political science) as legal policy and state studies. In this context we may refer to the experience of functioning of the Master’s Programme “Legal Policy in the Russian Federation and in the EU Countries” at the Penza State University initiated in corroboration with the Saratov Branch of the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences. This programme is aimed at studying the strategy of legal development in Russia in comparison with the legal development in Europe.


legal education, globalization, internationalization of education, comparative law, new educational technologies, profiles of legal education


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Author Biographies

Aleksandr V. Malko, Saratov Branch of the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Dr. Sc. in law, Professor

Aleksey Yu. Salomatin, Penza State University; International Academy of Comparative Law

Dr. Sc. in law, Dr. Sc. in history, Professor; Associate member


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How to Cite

Malko, A. V., & Salomatin, A. Y. (2017). Legal education in the globalizing society. Pravovedenie, 61(5), 16–31. Retrieved from


