General theory of legal rules in the light of L. I. Petrażycki’s ideas about a synthetic theory of law
In his article the author has made an attempt to formulate a general concept of norms which would be applied to various normative systems relating to rational knowledge, to sensuality and practical actions of ethical and legal character. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to carry out the phenomenological analysis of norms in order to define the basic generative structures implanted in intentional and responsive acts of the consciousness which are responsible for the emergence of norms of various character. The author proposes an original classification of norms based on distinctions in relations of a subject to itself, to the Other as an object, and to the Other as a subject. These relations are designated as norms “for itself”, norms “for the other” and norms “with the other”, respectively. Different norms are connected with different types of the human activity. Creativity is a process of an origin of a subject of knowledge as a unity of the real and the due. During creative processes a person generates norms “for itself” and generates himself/herself as a normative being. When the person relates to the Other as an object of management, regulation, he/she enters into the area of power relations (e. g. team power based on compulsion of the Other and in case of the authoritative power, competence) and generates norms “for the others” so that “others” learn, apply and follow these norms. Within communicative acts, agents are independent individuals who within their communicative activity based on the processes of an equivalent exchange of services give rise to the norms “with the others”, norms common for all communicative agents. The proposed classification of norms enables, first, to show an ontological founding of three concepts of law (natural, positive and sociological ones) which form the paradigm of modern understanding of law; second,
L. I. Petrażycki, norm, sign, meaning, intentionality, responsiveness, classification of norms
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