Юридический факультет Ивановского университета за 40
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Kuz’mina O. V., Poceluev E. L. Iubilei iuridicheskogo fakul’teta Ivanovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta [Jubilee of the Faculty of Law of the Ivanovo State University]. Izvestiia vuzov. Pravovedenie, 2004, no. 2, pp. 4–9. (In Russian)
Kuz’mina O. V., Poceluev E. L. Iuridicheskii fakul’tet Ivanovskogo universiteta: proshloe, nastoiashchee i budushchee [Faculty of Law of Ivanovo University: past, present and future]. Lex Russica, 2015, no. 1, pp. 7–27. (In Russian)
Kuz’mina O. V., Poceluev E. L. Iuridicheskii fakul’tet IvGU: istoriia i sovremennoe sostoianie: k 40-letiiu so dnia obrazovaniia [Law Faculty of IvSU: History and contemporary state: by the 40th anniversary of establishment]. Ivanovo, Ivanovo State University Publ., 2016. 240 p. (In Russian)
Rudinskij F. M. Iuridicheskaia nauka i kafedra gosudarstvennogo prava v MGU v 50–90-e gg. (iz zapisok gosudarstvoveda) [Legal science and the department of state law in Moscow State University in the 50–90-ies (from the notes of the government studies scientist)]. Pravo i zhizn’ [Law and Life], 2002, no. 51 (8), pp. 357–424. (In Russian)
Rudinskij F. M. SSSR — Rossiia. Strana i Sem’ia: svidetel’stvo ochevidtsa [USSR– Russia. Country and Family: eyewitness account]. Moscow, Publ. gruppa URSS, 2008. 752 p. (In Russian)
Utevskij B. S. Vospominaniia iurista: Iz neopublikovannogo [Memories of a lawyer: From an unpublished]. Moscow, Yurid. lit. Publ., 1989. 304 p. (In Russian)
How to Cite
Gluhareva, L. I. (2018). Юридический факультет Ивановского университета за 40. Pravovedenie, 62(1), 206–213. https://doi.org/10.21638/11701/spbu25.2018.110
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