Power relations and its subjects in the states of democracy: conceptual generalizations of domestic theory


  • Nikolaj Vasil'evich Selihov




This article updates on theoretical level a number of issues concerning the analysis of the democracy states in which it proposes to single it out as a special type, people’s state — an independent political and law construction having its own individual features, and it should be analyzed beyond traditional fitting with the only form of state. State system of this type can be revealed in different forms, united by the principle of public and law solidarism, the unity of public power and society on theological and axiological grounds and law and order. The source of this form of social and legal communication is heterogeneous people, but with inner cohesion. The article forms notions about the subjects of public power in the states of democracy, opens up the peculiar features of social and legal communications between them (power relations), in which the state and its public power is the continuation of supreme power of sovereign people. The notions of supreme and superpower of the state are differentiated in the article, some elements of representation people and social and political self-organization of the citizens are considered, the issue of search of grounds for the unity of public power, consolidation of ties with the people in contrast to classic construction of “dividing powers”. The accent was made that political struggle and interparty confrontation in the system of democracy must fit the frames defined by the power of public solidarism. It is proposed to revive the discussion about the peculiarities of realization of democracy principle declared in the Constitution of Russia in the frames of state and domestic law theory.


power relations, subject of power relations, people, democracy, sovereignty of the people, people’s state, state power


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How to Cite

Selihov, N. V. (2018). Power relations and its subjects in the states of democracy: conceptual generalizations of domestic theory. Pravovedenie, 62(1), 54–83. https://doi.org/10.21638/11701/spbu25.2018.104



Theory and history of law and state