Theory and practice of legal regulation labor incapable employees




The study of the legal personality of citizens recognized as legally incompetent by the court is timely and relevant in the light of the recent changes in the civil legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as the emerging trends in the development of judicial practice. In the doctrine of labor law, the legal personality of individuals is observed as an independent category of labor law, differing in this capacity from other related legal categories, in particular from civil legal capacity and legal capacity. At the same time, the labor legislation of the Russian Federation has made an unsuccessful attempt to receive the norms of civil legislation in relation to the employer — an individual who is recognized incapable by the court. At the moment, the Russian legislator with regard to the possibility of concluding an employment contract on the part of an employee recognized as legally incompetent took the position of “qualified silence”, which today can hardly be called successful for a number of reasons indicated in the proposed study. The study of the legal personality of citizens recognized as incapable makes it possible to assess the level of compliance of Russian legislation with international social and labor standards, determine the vectors for its further development and improvement in terms of optimal protection of human rights and citizenship. The main methods of the research were system and complex analysis of regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and a number of other countries and international organizations; Comparative method, which made it possible to compare the international regulation of the participation of incompetent citizens in the work activity with Russian labor legislation, as well as the labor legislation of certain countries of the near and far abroad; Method of expert assessment, based on the analysis of court decisions and scientific publications on the participation of incapacitated persons in labor relations. The results of the study are both theoretical and practical, and suggest some directions for improving the labor legislation of the Russian Federation on the participation in labor relations of citizens recognized by the court as legally incompetent.


subjects of labor law, labor legal personality, labor legal capacity, incompetent citizen differentiation, discrimination, representation in individual labor relations


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How to Cite

Zajceva, L. V., & Kursova, O. A. (2019). Theory and practice of legal regulation labor incapable employees. Pravovedenie, 62(3), 465–483.


