Human biomaterial as a legal object




The article deals with the issues related to the rights to the examination of human biomaterial after its separation from the human body. Biological samples are already recognized as legal objects in other countries, and they are subjects to the regime of property rights. In Russia, some private references to rights to examination biomaterial can also be explained if only it is recognized as property and ownership object. As a rule, the rights to such object belongs to the medical (scientific) organization, in which it was separated from the donor’s body. In the majority of cases, according to the current legislation, it is referred to things that are used freely. Two generally recognized limitations of this ownership right, namely, the need to obtain informed voluntary consent of the donor, as well as the right to the protection of personal data of the donor, are investigated. It is concluded that it is currently inappropriate to adopt a special federal law on these relations since in Russia public relations about the biomaterial are just beginning to take shape. It is desirable to publish explanations of the Supreme Court or the Ministry of health (as an authorized body of executive power in the field of medicine). Such an act would combine the achievements of law science and practice, but would remain an act of interpretation and did not entrust the legislator with responsibility for inevitable errors. This would leave room for their proper correction in the future.


legal objects, property rights, a biological sample, biomaterial, genetic information, personal data, a human body


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How to Cite

Vasil'ev, G. S. (2018). Human biomaterial as a legal object. Pravovedenie, 62(2), 308–361.



Private law